At Medici University you’ll work with world-class faculty. You’ll work with active artists who are accessible and helpful. Faculty that will help you refine and advance your creativity.
About Medici University
No Requirements
At Medici University your program never comes down from above like tablets off a mountain. At MU the student is the ultimate judge of what their graduate program will and will not include. It’s not about our vision, it’s about helping you realize your vision.
No Hoops
Some people prefer the technical term “bullshit.” Whatever you call it, bureaucratic organizations tend to spend a lot of time telling you what to go do with your graduate experience. At Medici University we’re here to get out of the way. We’re here to empower you to create an alternative, deeply personalized program that gives your real and valuable experience on the way to the life you want to live.
No Debt
Brick & mortar Universities saddle you with about USD 30,000 of debt / year of grad school. Sprawling campuses are expensive. Security. Landscaping. Faculty. Staff. At Medici University we eliminate almost all of it. We don’t charge fees because we don’t provide a behemoth infrastructure that you don’t need. Our job is to get out of your way, and keep you out of debt.

MU Creativity
Medici University: A fond farewell
The Painting on The Wall – Storyboard Finale
Lucia Ventures Out From Slepford

Practice Based Research in the Arts
Many MU Learners hail from Practice-Based Research in the Arts and Creating Site-specific Dance & Performance Works. You can see all PBR content here:
For a linked list of all PBR Topics, visit:
Warhol MOOC
Warhol: Introduction & Table of Contents
Nothing special: Warhol’s childhood scrapbook
Dollar Sign
The Velvet Underground & Nico

MU Publications
Read one of Medici University’s award-winning publications:
MU Creativity
A journal of avatar creativity at LEA23 in Second Life, and beyond! Editor: Art Oluja.
- Latest issue here: department/mu-creativity
MOOC Magazine
A journal of MOOC studies. A chance to present some of the great student research normally silo’d in MOOC portals to a wider audience. Editors: Edie Sedgwick & Isabella Medici.
- Warhol issue: department/warhol

Campus News
Updates, classes, activities, and more from the creative minds at Medici University.