Updates from January, 2017 Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Elle 16:05 on 29/01/2017 Permalink | Reply  

    Burn2 Fire Moon 

    Veyot made a video of the Dragon Procession at Burn2 Fire Moon, which celebrates the New Year of the Fire Rooster. Stop by today at Fire Moon to join activities and see the great exhibits, including Veyot’s beautiful installation with flags. Today, Sunday 29th is the last official day with activities, the exhibit will be up for you to visit for a week.



    More info: https://burn2.org

    • Newton 01:52 on 01/02/2017 Permalink | Reply

      Veyot, Thank you for this video and thanks for the personal tour of Burn2.

  • Elle 20:48 on 25/01/2017 Permalink | Reply  

    Nice blog post by Pearl 

    Nice blog post highlighting some SL venues, including Veyot’s Sail Inn Motel and Tiffany Mosienko’s Art Study Group (yes, it is still going on!):

    Spotlight on Two Established and Three New Venues

    Some great suggestions of places to visit and things to do. Thank you Pearl!

  • Elle 14:48 on 11/01/2017 Permalink | Reply  

    Sail Inn Motel 

    Veyot has a new venture called the Sail Inn Motel. Since the grand opening, she has been blogging about it and the adventures of her two colorful guests: Ms. Frobish and Detective Pety.

    Read about it here: http://veyot.tumblr.com/

    And if you’d like to stop by: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Askja/149/7/21


    • Veyot 12:59 on 12/01/2017 Permalink | Reply

      I wonder how many writers are surprised by the way their characters act. I had no idea who would move into the motel and I have no idea what they will do next. I do notice that, with blogging, the story reads backwards, which confuses both the reader and the writer.

      • Elle 13:39 on 13/01/2017 Permalink | Reply

        One could start reading at the begining of the story, or consider it a time jumping work of fiction. Your characters do seem to have a mind of their own. πŸ™‚

    • Michel Nostradamus 16:09 on 17/01/2017 Permalink | Reply

      Congratulations Elle! Sail Inn Motel is fantastic! πŸ˜€ <3

      • Elle 17:26 on 19/01/2017 Permalink | Reply

        Hi Michel, I agree Sail Inn Motel is a fantastic project! πŸ™‚ Congrats go to Veyot though, not me.

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