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  • Teresa of Avila 22:26 on 23/06/2014 Permalink | Reply
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    ## Nostradamus Good day dear people I have… 


    Good day dear people.

    I have been given to understand that Mr. Nostradamus may be found in this vicinity. Can anyone please direct me to him? I have had the most extraordinary vision and wish to discuss it with him. I am hopeful that he might help me to construct an interpretation of the vision.

    Your assistance in locating Nostradamus is most appreciated.

    • Scott Lord 16:08 on 25/06/2014 Permalink | Reply

      Rock musician Al Stewart, who recorded Love Chronicles, Past Present and Future, The Early Years, Modern Times, and Year of the Cat is the only known person to have contacted Nostradamus. There are rumors that Mr. Stewart now teaches poetry.

      • Teresa of Avila 02:18 on 27/06/2014 Permalink | Reply

        Hello Mr. Lord. Thank you for this valuable information. Do you know where I can find Mr. Stewart?

    • Scott Lord 21:53 on 29/06/2014 Permalink | Reply

      I’m in the middle of reading Mr. Britling Sees It Through by H.G Welles, which I put down to try four online MOOCs. When in church, I’ve been reading a novel entitled The 39 Steps, by John Buchan. Well, you’ll appreciate this, I walked out with it. I suppose i could bring it back, but after last summer, during which i read ten novels by the author E. Phillips Oppenheim, I can barely stand the thrill of making love to a church librarian and inadvertedly tucking away a copy of the novel. I have it right here. Think of what will happen next!!! I literally forgot I had the book on my person and brought it home. Today is my 52nd birthday.

      No, I don’t know where he is right now.

  • Izzy 03:14 on 23/03/2014 Permalink | Reply
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    More Thoughts about Staging 

    Ciara wrote an interesting post, “Some Thoughts About Staging,” and how .Re/act was a sort of Improv Stage.

    4 examples of Robert Pratten's "Transmedia Radar Diagrams"

    Robert Pratten’s Transmedia *Radar Diagrams*

    The first time I looked at Robert Pratten’s Transmedia Radar Diagrams I thought the words opposite each other were an axis, so a 2-axis diagram. But the axis is actually from the center to each of the words, and it’s really a 4-somewhat-independent-axis diagram. I say somewhat, because I think Story which seems like a top-down idea from a Creator (writer) and Co-Creation which seems like a bottom-up idea from Participants probably interact. I’m not sure you can have maximum story and maximum co-creation.

    Safe to say, on the 1850 stage we had maximum co-creation. For me this is the most interesting aspect of cyberspace. IDK why, but somehow using Facebook as it’s intended just isn’t that interesting to me. Yet it seems like such a fun place to play. You could argue that all content on Facebook is “fiction” or at least “manufactured” in the sense that one spends time trying to think of the best way to sound casual and spontaneous.

    Precisely as Ciara noted, the idea that different people could come and go and chime in as they wished, was compelling. danah boyd just wrote an interesting blog post: Why Snapchat is Valuable: It’s All About Attention. Perhaps .Re/act provided a nice frame for attention / activities. Any identity here could also have blog posts or tweets or flickr images etc, but this stage was a place to showcase / focus the various elements that may have been manufactured elsewhere.

    Inspired by 1850 Charla, I’ve begun trying to resurrect my own 1560 Journals

  • Izzy 07:31 on 08/03/2014 Permalink | Reply
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    The Lost 1560 Journals 

    Look out 1850! 1560 is here!


    sample of renaissance calligraphy

  • Michel Nostradamus 16:28 on 05/03/2014 Permalink | Reply
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    Lost Journals 


    A charla is a type of seance then? Communication with those now incorporeal? This is useful. I am concerned that the journals of my 1560 mission for Catherine de Medici, Queen of France, are once again lost. They surfaced so briefly. I do not believe they have been destroyed. Or that the parties in possession of them are even aware of their true meaning or power. Are you able to locate these documents?

    Currently known fragments are here:

    • Christa Forster 19:06 on 06/03/2014 Permalink | Reply

      Amazing; these journals would be a monumental contribution to the history of the world. I will ask @ysidora if she can hunt around the ether for them. She has a very perceptive ear.

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