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  • Izzy 22:16 on 18/05/2015 Permalink | Reply
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    Oops, I did it again!


    Answers to everything!!

  • Oona 02:02 on 23/04/2015 Permalink | Reply
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    HELP! Pretty Please Save Our University! 

    If the Help Desk Thinks...


    As talked in proposals and acquisitions or whatever with Vanessa,  I’ve decided to throw together a proposal to do Medici University 2.  I’m sure anyone could do a better job, but my idea was to canvas everyone and compile all the greatness and show them why this place is such a great gem.

    Worse they can do is laugh but the best that could happen, and the scariest, is they could agree with me.

    Anyway.  I need all of you to please pretty pretty please answer these questions for me and I’ll compile them up into one thing.  Along with our Flickr pics that show how much fun we have, and just general guilt tripping, maybe it will happen!

    Notecards would be best (msbluerasp resident), but contact me in whatever way is easiest for you.

    1.  Is Medici University important to you and why?

    2. How did you come to be here?

    3. If you think back on the first day to now, do you see growth in yourself?

    4. Has being amongst like minded creators, improved the amount of time you work on your creative side?

    5. What specifically do you enjoy about Medici U?

    6. Honestly, what specifically do you not enjoy about Medici U?

    7. What would you like to see here at Medici U that isn’t already here?

    8. What would encourage you to spend more time here at Medici U?

    9. Do you think its a good idea to extend or renew Medici University for a second go around?

    Please answer these, and notecard, IM or even answer below.  I’ll likely try to get the proposal all squished together first week of May so please get them in soon.  🙂

    Thank you fellow student/party animals!  <3 <3 xoxo

    P.S. If you only have time for fast and dirty answers, that helps too.

    Thank you to Kyle James at Flickr for his CC photo.

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