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  • Edie 19:42 on 15/08/2015 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , Lands,   

    Fall Session 1 @Art Farm!

    Today begins Week 3 of Summer Session! Thanks to everyone who’s participated in the 1st 2 weeks, and to our awesome facilitators, Myra, Jade, Oona, Neeva & Newton!

    Even though 67% of Summer Session is still to come, I’d like to invite you to think about Fall Session 1, which runs for 6 weeks from September 26 – November 8.

    We’ll again have Four Lands where people can participate in various ways. You are invited to propose a land for Fall1! The only real requirement is that it be an inclusive idea where everyone is welcome to participate.

    The best place to throw out your ideas is right here on MU/Talk. That way everyone can see what you’re thinking of, offer feedback, other idea inspirations, etc! You can also IM, Notecard, or email me if you prefer.

    Sometime in September I’ll announce the 4 Lands for Fall1

    • Oona 19:45 on 15/08/2015 Permalink | Reply

      I hope the residences can remain in the next quarter. I think ppl will be annoyed to have to start all that over again. 🙂

      • Edie 20:53 on 15/08/2015 Permalink | Reply

        Unfortunately Oona, that’s not the vision at Art Farm at all. We run for 6 weeks and CLOSE. Everything goes. The next session after break is a completely new session with new lands, new activities, and new ideas.

        I’m super grateful to you and everyone who’s participated in Summer Session so far, and with a month still to come I hope others will dive in, but to be clear, this is not an entitlement space. Six weeks and session over!

        • rmarie beedit 03:34 on 16/08/2015 Permalink | Reply

          I have been pondering this. What if the “inclusive idea” is a phase 2 for an existing land. For example. the people participating have come up with a major project. I’m sure the environs could be changed though. There is a sense of “infrastructure creation” in this first phase.

          • Newton 03:43 on 16/08/2015 Permalink | Reply

            I was pondering the very same question.

            • Newton 16:23 on 16/08/2015 Permalink

              So for example, at Low-Fi, the infrastructure is up and we are now more deeply into our machinima track which will last two weeks. The forming of the performance track is in progress with the stages built and dates remaining to be committed-to. If we needed more time for the performance track to reach “fruition,” would that be something we’d “propose” and would you feel it should be considered something completely different than Low-Fi? I already suggested the performers approach you with a distinct idea for a session if that were to happen, so from my standpoint the idea of wiping things clean while “using” what has been done so far is not a problem.

              On the other hand looking at Oona’s perspective, the “inclusive” aspect does warrant a lingering community within the “school” or on the farm and wiping that clean and regenerating it is more challenging. In fact, it’s more work.

              Interesting projects reap interesting conundrums!

        • Oona 04:03 on 20/08/2015 Permalink | Reply

          Okie, dokie smokey 🙂

      • Myra 23:54 on 16/08/2015 Permalink | Reply

        Hi, Edie. Things are developing so well with what we have, now, I think you should just leave it as is. If you jumble stuff up, now, or scrap it entirely, you’re just likely to lose people.

        Let the sim develop for the entire time. That’s my vote, too.

        • Elle Thorkveld 03:12 on 17/08/2015 Permalink | Reply

          I share Myra’s & Oona’s concerns about losing people in a big change at 6 weeks. It takes a while to build things up and get them going, as we can see with the current lands.

        • Oona 04:08 on 20/08/2015 Permalink | Reply

          I share Myra and Elle’s concerns. 😛

    • Neeva 03:05 on 16/08/2015 Permalink | Reply

      I would propose “new work land”. The participants agree to make something new every week and put it on display it in their display space. The one week cycle is to creat a balance between having stuff displayed long enough to be seen and appreciated, and short enough to encourage a constant flow of work from each artist. Once a week we could host a walk-through to talk about the work and admire it….then onto the next week’s work.

      I imagine studio spaces, like at MU, but with an added emphasis on active producing and displaying work the whole session.

      Depending on the number of people participating, maybe have a central area for collaborative work, discussion, and socializing.

      new work land needs a better title, but I would love to participate in something like this.

      • Elle Thorkveld 05:37 on 16/08/2015 Permalink | Reply

        I like this “new work land” idea. A current land could be adapted to incorporate this or something entirely new created. Is this one new work per week or an entire new display spaces work per week? I am thinking one new work, since some mediums and projects take much longer. I like the idea of both individual spaces and collaborative ones.

    • Neeva 08:08 on 17/08/2015 Permalink | Reply

      Babel sandbox could easily morph into “new work land”. I think each participant could define what new work is for them. But it would be nice to have something to display so there is a sense of collective activity and change from week to week. That would keep up interest and allow us to inspire each other to pursue and share our creative work. I don’t think participating would need to be a huge commitment. It is new work land, not new masterpiece land. Do a new doodle each week, take a picture, make a prim sculpture, or have a project that is ongoing and show the work in progress. Easy.

      • Elle Thorkveld 15:33 on 19/08/2015 Permalink | Reply

        Sounds good!

      • Oona 03:49 on 20/08/2015 Permalink | Reply

        I like this new work land idea. For me, and a few others I think, the sim is split up and not in a good way. We aren’t even connected it seems. 🙁 I know Edie doesn’t want to recreate Medici again, but borrowing what worked there and what didn’t isn’t a crime. You have the interested ppl all here and waiting to participate and actually participating now i think, it’d be a shame to lose those that just don’t want to jump through the hoops of change. I love the new work land idea. Something to unify all the sections would be nice, if i’m not misunderstanding.

  • Edie 13:50 on 16/07/2015 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: Lands,   

    Art Farm Facilitators – Summer Session 2015

    August 1 – September 13

    • Low FideliltyNewton
    • Ward 81Oona
    • Babel InfocalypseNeeva
    • MUGA
    • — Director of Education: Jade
    • — Chief Curator: Myra
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