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  • Myra 00:43 on 20/06/2015 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , , Photography   

    Spreading the Love and my Art (If you want it.).

    I owe a lot to my MU experience. All the people I’ve met here and everything I’ve learned has made my time at MU personally transformational.

    Sooo… I’d like to give something back to everyone. If anyone wants a work of my art, please contact me in-world, let me know which one you’d like, and I’ll put it on one of Emma’s canvases for you.

    You can browse my work on my flickr feed. It’s all been done since I started at MU. I think some of it is nice. I’m clearly still learning, though.


    This has been a truly amazing experience for me.

    I love you all. Thank you.


    • Elle 04:05 on 20/06/2015 Permalink | Reply

      Myra, thank you for your most generous offer! I’m taking you up on that, your work is lovely. If we’d had more time I would have loved to see a photography exhibit will all the many talented photogs we have here.

      Like you, I feel I owe a lot to MU, I’ve grown in my skill & confidence, willingness to try new things and met so many wonderful people & gifted artists.

      Thank you for all you do, in your art, DJ’ing, curating and wonderful MU attitude.

      Love to you,

  • Edie 14:39 on 15/05/2015 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , , Photography,   

    Storytelling w Avatars Starts Noon Sunday!

    New 4-week class Storytelling w Avatars starts Sunday! Collaborations between Writers, Photographers, Avatar Designers & World Builders!

    Join us!


    Interdisciplinary Studies 16, 17, 18, 19 – Explorations with Avatars

  • Izzy 05:19 on 15/05/2015 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , Photography   

    New Flickr Group: MU Fine Art!

    We’ve got a new flickr group just focused on the beautiful 2D images, from digital design, to figure studies, to conceptual art, that you all create.

    Here’s the breakdown on our 5 MU Flickr groups:

    MU Photo Collections

  • Edie 19:21 on 10/05/2015 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , , Photography, , ,   

    Interdisciplinary Studies 16, 17, 18, 19 – Explorations with Avatars 


    Announcing 4 new, and concurrent courses:

    Interdisciplinary Studies 16Fiction Writing for Avatars
    Interdisciplinary Studies 17Photography with Avatars
    Interdisciplinary Studies 18Avatar Design
    Interdisciplinary Studies 19World Building for Avatars

    These 4 courses will meet concurrently and work together to tell Avatar Stories. We will use the 2 avatars I have created, “Paris Avatar” and “Sydney Avatar”. I’ve chosen unisex names for them so that their identity can be malleable to the stories each learner chooses to tell.

    Full details here:

    Image: Love is Blind by Gonzale

  • Izzy 06:38 on 12/03/2015 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: Photography   

    Photo Lighting Workshop w Fanny on Saturday!

    Photo 66 – Virtual Lighting

    Beside your interest there are some requirements:

    • your graphics card should be able to run Advanced Lighting Mode;
    • you should be using Firestorm for viewer;
    • you should know how to take a snapshot;
    • you should know how to create a prim;

    Still there?

    Ok 🙂

    The very most of us take photos and, no matter if real or virtual, photography is always about light. So this is what this class is going to be about as well: The different light sources existing in Second Life, how and when to use, and, maybe most interesting at all, how to build them ourselves.

    Date and time: Saturday, 14th March, 10:00 – 12:00 am SLT
    Place: My studio at MU, Nostradamus 20

    • Neeva 18:03 on 12/03/2015 Permalink | Reply

      I was soooooo hoping there would be some photography classes! Yay!

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