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  • Oona 06:49 on 01/05/2015 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , Ryan   

    Z is for Zebra and Ze End 

    Dear Ryan,

    Z is for Zebra

    I wasn’t a fan of blogging before I started this challenge. I might have been kinda negative about them, cause everyone and their cat has a blog. Some people have many more, not that I know any of those people. o_O

    I’m glad you asked me to blog with you. It was fun, hard, time consuming and rewarding. Thank you.

    And although I was prepared to go another round with you in May, you need a break, so I’ll be grateful I can relax for a bit, until you decide to stop being a wuss and do another one with me. 😛

    xo Oona

  • Oona 10:26 on 21/04/2015 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , , , Ryan   

    T is for Torture 

    T is for Torture

    Rippin’ my heart was so easy, so easy
    Launch your assault now, take it easy
    Raise your weapon, raise your weapon,
    One word and it’s over… (More …)

  • Oona 09:07 on 19/04/2015 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , , , Ryan   

    R is for Regrets 

    I’ve gotten the go ahead to post individual posts for A to Z challenges since there aren’t a lot of us doing it.  I find it easier to keep track of new stuff on MU Talk anyway to be able to know I haven’t missed anything.  So feel free to do the same.  Read about my letter R at Flickr or on the blog I share with Ryan.

    R is for Regrets

    xo Oona

  • Ryan 00:18 on 24/03/2015 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: Ryan,   

    My Sister 

    {closes eyes… drops posture… tries to look humble… opens eyes… taps microphone…}

    tap… tap… is this… one… two…

    Hello everyone. I’d like to apologize for a somewhat abrupt group notice yesterday. And to assure you that I, and everyone here at Medici University hold our many, wonderful, and diverse learners in the highest esteem. My probably too-early announcement of our Guy Fawkes Day / Studio Roulette activity was intended to inspire, enlighten, and ennoble you. I hope that it did that for at least a few of you. But I appreciate now that for many of you change is not a welcome thing. It was not my intention to distress anyone nor to suggest that our freedom loving university was going to dictate experiences to anyone who didn’t want them.

    Please accept my apologies and know that I will redouble my efforts to handle Campus Facilities Management with sensitivity to the needs of all learners. I’d also like to apologize to my sister who had to do some explaining to some of you earlier in the day. I’m sorry about this everyone. I’ll do better.

    photo of a dog tag that reads "Isabella Medici, FLOFL, 31 Aug 1542, 16 Jul 1576, Uxoricide.

    First Lady of Florence

    I think everyone at MU appreciates how much Isabella does for us. And in my own case, I have to confess a certain, lifelong over-exuberance in so many things. I’m always striving to maximize creativity, or just to live moments fully, but I know it’s most often Izzy who has to cover for me or bail me out. We all owe her thanks, and no one owes her more than me.

    I thought I might share a short paragraph about my sister that Donna Cardamone wrote in 2002,

    Wit, beauty and talent made her conspicuous among all the women of the day, and she captivated every heart except her husband’s. Speaking Spanish, French and Latin fluently, a perfect musician, singing beautifully, a poetess and improvvisatrice by nature, Isabella was the soul of all around her, and the fairest star of the Medici.

    • Paypabak Writer 02:05 on 24/03/2015 Permalink | Reply

      We all adore and admire your sister!

    • Neeva 04:47 on 24/03/2015 Permalink | Reply

      Stand tall agent-of-chaos Ryan! Big teletubby hug to you and your sis.

      • Ryan 05:49 on 24/03/2015 Permalink | Reply

        ooo… Agent-of-Chaos! I like that so much better than Director of Facilities.

        Do you think I should switch titles?

        Oh gosh, but I’m still apologizing for last time! Maybe AoC isn’t such a good idea.

        Oh well, thanks anyway for your support Neeva. It’s appreciated.

        • Neeva 15:52 on 24/03/2015 Permalink | Reply

          Why switch titles when you can have them both? I think traditionally the two titles go together anyway.

          Conceptually, I think the idea of studio roulette is pretty awesome (minus the part where the villagers revolt and chase you with flaming torches. 🙂

    • Oona 07:51 on 24/03/2015 Permalink | Reply

      Hugs Ryan, I know you meant well. Wish everyone wasn’t being so hard on you. Hang in there.

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