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  • Izzy 16:10 on 23/03/2014 Permalink | Reply
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    Hello Ysidora and anyone else who might be… 

    Hello Ysidora, and anyone else who might be interested: after a 438 year absence, I’ve decided to relaunch my Salon! As before it will be a celebration of many art forms: Literature, Poetry, Music, Song as well as visual arts and ideas about culture.

    I enjoyed your songs at your recent Houston / EZTV performance Ysidora, and I wondered if you might like to sing for our first salon of the new millennium!?

    • Ysidora Pico 15:30 on 24/03/2014 Permalink | Reply

      I would be honored!

  • Tullia Aragona 01:22 on 22/03/2014 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , Salon   

    Hello I read some poems at Isabella’s salon… 

    Hello! I read some poems at Isabella’s salon the other night and she asked me to share something here. I think To Ochino was her favorite. It is a poem to “religious reformer” Bernardo Ochino. He’s been preaching for the abolition of Carnivale! Isabella and I both believe this is such a wonderful event and we are shocked that he wants to take it away.

    To Ochino

    Bernardo, it should be enough for you,
    With that sweet speech infused in you by Nature,
    To light our hearts to high eternal works,
    Here where the King of Rivers flows most clearly.
    Since your own inner wishes are sincere,
    And your own life reflects a pure intent,
    You’re rather an inhabitant of heaven.
    As to these masquerades, dances, and music,
    Sanctioned by time and by the ancient customs –
    Why do you now forbid them in your sermons?
    Holiness it is not, but arrogance
    To take away free will, the highest gift
    Which God bestowed on us from the beginning.

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