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  • Aunt Renie 13:14 on 03/02/2014 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: storytelling,   


    headshot of Renie Schollerer, aka "Aunt Renie"

    Hello children! I’m little Meggie’s Aunt Renie! I’m not sure if I qualify for #1850charla since, so far, I’m still alive! But believe you me, sometimes I feel like I was born in 1850! Have a wonderful week kids!

    • Meg O'Ryan 14:35 on 03/02/2014 Permalink | Reply

      OMG Auntie! I’m so glad you’re here! I need your advice! My love life sucks! (again!)

      Why do I keep falling for Dummy’s auntie!? What’s wrong with me??

      So, first, I meet this guy Oscar. He’s SO cute! And then he tells me I’m not “Meg” anymore, that from now on I will be known as “Ellie.” kk, maybe that was a little “I-will-remake-you-into-my-ex-wife”-ish, but he was a really cute guy and I thought he really liked me and so I was cool with it.

      Then around Christmas I sent him a love letter. (scented, even!) And then he’s all cold and like “Well I’m sorry Ellie, but I just don’t like you that way.”


      So then I meet this other Dummy, Donnie. He’s really hot. Like hot-hot-bad-boy! I think he’s actually Oscar’s cousin or uncle or I’m not sure what. Anyway, Donnie’s WAY less uptight than Oscar. I’m pretty sure Oscar must be a member of the conservative party, and Donnie, well, I think the only thing he’d do in a voting booth is urinate in it! Crazy times with Donnie!

      So I thought Donnie was gonna come visit me and I waited all day at the SYD arrival gates (same place where I picked you up when you came to visit, remember Auntie?) and anyway I just stood there all afternoon holding this stupid sign that said “Donnie.” And he never showed up! Now he’s just, like missing. Where the hell are these guys? What’s wrong with them?

      What’s wrong with me?

      Am I coming on too strong auntie?

      Am I making poor choices?

      Am I seeking out destructive relationships?

      Am I afraid to be happy?

      Help me Aunt Renie!!!

      • Aunt Renie 16:06 on 05/02/2014 Permalink | Reply

        Oh my poor, dear Meggie! I’m so sorry to hear that those Dummies don’t appreciate your beauty. If they have eyes at all they must see your outer beauty, but perhaps their souls are on other journeys and this is not the time for them to consider the depth of your inner beauty.

        I hate to seem opportunistic about your bad fortune, but you’ve inspired me to finally do something I’ve been saying I’d do for the whole 2 years since I retired.

        It’s true! I’ve finally opened my advice column, Dear Aunt Renie so if you, or any of your friends would like to come by, I’d be pleased to consider all questions and offer the best wisdom my years can provide.


  • Christa Forster 18:18 on 01/02/2014 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: storytelling   

    Here is an interesting project an episode of… 

    Here is an interesting project, an episode of Downtown Abbey (I don’t watch it, so I don’t really “get” the story in this guise) as it might appear on FB.


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