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  • Izzy 04:26 on 19/02/2014 Permalink | Reply
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    It’s so wonderful to have Patrick J Sweetman… 

    It’s so wonderful to have Patrick J. Sweetman joining us. His friends and countrymen have suffered and lost so much under these horrible famines. In reading his “rant” I’m reminded of my own bitterness over things past.

    I know Ysidora initially invited us here to think about the past and share moments of our lives and worlds. Perhaps I’ve cheated that. Yet somehow my journey here in 2014 seems to have been to let go of the past. I never dreamt that I would return and then so quickly open a Gym and then a University. It’s all so unanticipable how the river chooses to make its way across the land. In recognition of all that, today I’ve decided to change my bio blurb on most of the websites where one posts such things.

    Old Isabella Blurb

    Look pretty. Die young. It’s a shitty deal.

    Loveless marriage to a psychopath. So I had a 10 year affair with his cousin. That doesn’t make me a “whore,” it makes me a human being. And it certainly doesn’t give Mr. Psychopath the right to murder me. What was babbo thinking? Bethroved to that jerk at 10? Please! It’s the 16th century! Can we stop living like we’re still in the 13th!?

    New Izzy Blurb

    I’m passionate about healthy, cruelty free, sustainable living. I don’t support patriarchal culture, the military industrial complex, or the slaughtering of animals. I do support educational experiences and careers that don’t involve hours, requirements, or offices, but that instead are based on achievements.

    • ysidorapico 19:24 on 19/02/2014 Permalink | Reply

      Oh, Querida! this is such a wonderful development. I await achievements; I ache for achievement.

      Perhaps your efforts in this life can be an example to some of the more errant knaves. I have known many errant knaves in my life. But what I am now knowing is that they may be errant because they are not granted opportunity to achieve in ways that match their abilities, especially when these knaves are unmotivated by hours, requirements (patriarchal!), offices. As we both know, attaining an office is in and of itself an achievement of dubious merit.

      • Isabella Medici 20:29 on 19/02/2014 Permalink | Reply

        Thank you Ysidora! I’ve been studying entropy (haha, yes entropy! Even if I’m not from the 1850’s, Entropy is!)

        Entropy seems to say that no matter how much food you produce, that still, someone will always starve. And probably there will always be misanthropes.

        HOWEVER, I do think you’re right. How many knaves just got stuck with the wrong “job description”? If we did a lot more career planning, might we better match the tendencies of the individual with the greater good of the culture? How many evil traits might be turned to benefit in the proper context?

        • Patrick J. Sweetman 21:24 on 19/02/2014 Permalink | Reply

          Sadly that reminds me of the Crimean War and the 1854 Charge of the LIght Brigade. Career profiling for the right ‘job description’, we could have certainly done with that in the 1850s. The lack of it is what caused so many unqualified aristocrats to be placed in positions of military command sending working-class, men serving god and country, to an early death. I note one of your cultural commentators Michael Franti when speaking about the liberation/invasion (depending what side of Jerusalem you are standing on) of Iraq said ‘Those who start wars never fight them’ So once again the world stands still. Seems I won’t find it too hard to catch up on the last 130 years.

  • Vanessa 18:00 on 10/11/2013 Permalink | Reply
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    FIRST PERSON Ever since our PBR Wk 1… 

    Ever since our PBR Wk 1 project to describe our work in 1st & 3rd person I’ve been thinking about it and reading artist bios. Xta started a great thread in the PBR forum and I agree, 3rd person conveys so much weight, power, and authority.

    But I’ve come to believe that 1st person, active voice, is the way to speak. When I read, Her work explores… yes, it sounds pro & legit, but it never engages me the way I am passionate about… does!

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