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  • Edie 02:55 on 20/08/2015 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: blogging about second life,   

    OMG! H8ers Gonna H8!


  • Paypabak Writer 15:07 on 14/05/2015 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: blogging about second life   

    New lecture that will shock and appall you.
    (More …)

  • Paypabak Writer 14:26 on 17/04/2015 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: blogging about second life   

    Another lecture. This is about Voice and I have several bloggers to recommend:


    Comment here or at my blogsite.

  • Paypabak Writer 13:17 on 27/03/2015 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: blogging about second life   

    Another “lecture” on social networking and blogging:


    Comments welcome here or on the Tumblr site: see two links for making comments at bottom of thbe page or us Disqus.

    • Tiffany Mosienko 15:02 on 27/03/2015 Permalink | Reply

      Hi neighbor! I do have a question for you, Paypabak. How do you manage identity across all these modalities? Is that important to you? I used to think SL was great because it had many media all together, kind of all-in-one. I’ve not done as much blogging over the years as you have (and now playing catch-up). But I’m interested to know how platform-hopping affects your sense of self. From an archival standpoint as well (clearly you’ve done some reflection with this post), how do you consider the multiplicity of self and place in virtual space?

    • Neeva 16:10 on 27/03/2015 Permalink | Reply

      Thanks for the blog post. I always enjoy reading your thoughts. It is also really convenient and appreciated when our bloggers post a link to their writing on MU talk.

      @Tiffany. really thought provoking comment. For me, just this year has seen Neeva-self leaping beyond SL with my own email. Then MU enticed me to add Flickr and visit Pearl and paypabak and your blogs, then avatar friends have got me on Gtalk and Slack. SL used to seem like the entire world to Neeva-self. Now it seems like one (beloved) dimension in Neeva’s wider multiverse.
      im still sorting out what that means to identity and the experience of being multiple.

      I have heard of a novel where the premise is the person’s avatar shows up at her front door in RL with suitcases and moves in. How would your avatar be as a housemate? Would he or she get along with your real life self? How would they be the same or different?

      PS: I do read italics paypabak. 🙂

    • Pearl Grey 17:06 on 27/03/2015 Permalink | Reply

      Yeah, I read the italics too. 🙂

    • Paypabak Writer 18:32 on 27/03/2015 Permalink | Reply

      Oh, I’m in trouble now!! (Italics is not a safe haven!)

      Great question, Tiffany, and I love your response, Pearl! I definitely have this sense of digiphrenia (I am fearfully attracted to this: http://www.rushkoff.com/present-shock/) managing these identities but that’s part of what I meant by it keeps one honest. Managing fantasy identities over all of these platforms either cracks you up or it forces you into a wholeness that sustains you.

      I absolutely adore Vaneeesa Blaylock! Talk about your Mistress of Multiple Identities! Every week she has a different name, and that is the unscratched surface. I keep telling myself, “I must resist, I must resist!” She’s like the effing Borg with her invitations to this or that shiny new social platform! (Pearl mentions Slack, so help me, God!) If I met that woman in first life and she is anything like her avatar, she would dazzle and wear me out in ten minutes. On a good day, reinforced with coffee and properly dressed. I blame her for this present predicament of being Blogger-in-Residence at MU. (The use of “blame” in the previous sentence is equivalent to “thank, or to give credit.”)

      As I try to relate in my post, with Flickr, Plurk, Second Life and Tumblr, I manage well enough fairly well-defined avenues for expressing myself with media with which I feel comfortable and which fulfill my desire to share my aesthetics and Slife. Medici U is certainly another platform within the Second Life platform where my play/work as an avatar is challenged. It’s another metagame within what I feel is the ultimate in metagames.

      Is it worth it? As we say on Tumblr, Fuck Yeah! How have I been writing so long and not had such wonderful responses in quantity and quality as I have experienced in the short time MU has been open? I am drinking of other amazing bloggers’ nectar and finding sustenance to overflowing. MU may disappear after June 30, but it will resonate in the depths of my heart for a long, long time.

  • Paypabak Writer 15:27 on 23/02/2015 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: blogging about second life   

    Serendipidy Haven noticed a disturbance in the Force, wrote about it, and I caught it and wrote about it since I was part of that disturbance!


    We can’t blog in a vacuum. We read other writers for sustenance and against whom we measure ourselves whether consciously or subconsciously. What do you think?

    • Pearl Grey 18:56 on 23/02/2015 Permalink | Reply

      So this is what I think:

      This is totally my approach too. (I’m not on Tumblr and can’t like or comment over there.)

      I read other blogs, and my time is indeed valuable to me, so I consider doing so worthy of my attention. I do measure myself against other bloggers, mostly on a spectrum or map of opinion, and to where my beliefs are in relation to theirs at the moment. I can easily identify what I agree with, disagree with, what I don’t have a clue about and what makes me think or rethink something.

      I barely register how I compare to how many followers, reblogs or likes other bloggers have. I make it a priority to respond to comments that I understand and which are relevant to what I’ve blogged about. And to be clear, I’m writing about the blog I’ve written since June 2012.

      I’m thrilled when I get a comment that indicates a kind person has actually read what I’ve written, not a “Great job!!! Check out my stuff!!!”

      No matter how much of a genius a blogger is, if they walk and talk like a narcissist, I’m not interested for long. We’re all busy but if there’s no connection, community or reciprocity ever, then I’m out.

      I wouldn’t dream of changing who I am and how I blog based on the feedback, or lack thereof, that I get. We don’t have to all agree on things or be in cliques.

      But really, writers who attempt blogging in a vacuum tend to quit, don’t they?

      • Izzy 03:31 on 25/02/2015 Permalink | Reply

        Thanks Paypabak! Thanks Pearl!

        We do need to read widely enough to not be lost in our own echo chamber – or maybe being lost is fine???

        But either way, I’ve read plenty of stuff on The Guardian or Huffington Post or insert-name-of-favorite-corporate-site-here, had a response, and then spent 20 minutes formulating my articulate response.

        I refuse to do that any longer. Nobody cares about your insightful comment on TheGuardian.com. I think ideally focusing on a community of peeps is the most fruitful. It might be The Community of MU Bloggers, and it might be some other community that’s meaningful to you. But whatever it is, I think consistently interacting with that group represents the best chance of creating something powerful, exciting, and rewarding.

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