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  • Vanessa 18:08 on 12/05/2014 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: Christa, , ,   

    Mixed Berry Shake – May 2014! 

    Nice hangout today with Christa, Ciara, Kate, Michael, Rebecca N., Hugh, and myself. More great topics than we had time for. Here’s a few snips from my typing in response to compelling ideas from the other participants:
    (More …)

    • Edie Sedgwick 23:11 on 13/05/2014 Permalink | Reply

      Hi Rebecca! I know of 3 of the Kickstarter type funding sites. There’s no doubt plenty of others.


      As far as I know the oldest and sort of most established / respected of the platforms. You cannot fund things like “school,” but you can fund a specific project, so you could write that you need €4,000 to produce 1 or a series of dance pieces to be performed at various venues at various times. With Kickstarter it’s all or nothing. If you don’t make your goal nobody pays and you get no money. Their theory is that if you don’t have enough you can’t do the project and it’s not fair to the investors to have 1/2 a project.


      Similar to kickstarter with the big difference that you get the money even if you don’t make the goal. Some people think it’s flakier for that reason, but others who aren’t sure about their level of support like the flexibility.


      Different in that it IS for funding your activities like school. So it might be ideal for your situation. Although I do like the opportunity Kickstarter offers to focus on specific “deliverable” works. Some might be happy to help out with your school costs, but others might feel like more of an arts philanthropist if they know their money is helping to produce 6 new choreographic works presented in 3 cities in 2014 – 2015 and that for their contribution they’ll have access to exclusive video previews and video chats with you and some of your team. It seems like a nice “excuse” to build out your network of colleagues and audience members.

      Best wishes on your exciting project Rebecca!

    • Edie Sedgwick 08:16 on 14/05/2014 Permalink | Reply

      Hi guys, me again! I was just looking at all the cultural institutions tweeting come see our X, Y, Z… seems like they’re always trolling for F2F visitors. And I found myself tweeting:

      Which I think is kind of what Ciara was saying about .Re/act. It is interesting how many peeps instinctively use new media in the most simple, banal ways! Or perhaps by following Cultural Institutions instead of Individual Artists I’m making that more likely.

  • Vanessa 18:10 on 13/01/2014 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: Christa,   

    Vanessa’s side of 13 Jan Hangout 

    Christa asked me to post my side of todays’ Google Hangout as a sort of rough notes on the conversation.

    Here it is!

    (More …)

    • xtaforster 18:34 on 13/01/2014 Permalink | Reply

      Thank you for posting this, Vanessa. Interesting idea: the virtual world as an “identity factory.”

      Stay tuned, everyone, for the 1850 Twitter Chat Invitation.

  • Vanessa 18:00 on 10/11/2013 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , Christa,   

    FIRST PERSON Ever since our PBR Wk 1… 

    Ever since our PBR Wk 1 project to describe our work in 1st & 3rd person I’ve been thinking about it and reading artist bios. Xta started a great thread in the PBR forum and I agree, 3rd person conveys so much weight, power, and authority.

    But I’ve come to believe that 1st person, active voice, is the way to speak. When I read, Her work explores… yes, it sounds pro & legit, but it never engages me the way I am passionate about… does!

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