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  • Christa Forster 11:11 on 14/07/2014 Permalink | Reply
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    Mixed Berry Shake Hangout (unofficial) Minutes 

    Photos from today’s Mixed Berry Shake Hangout. Β In virtual attendance: Ciara Finnegan, Christa Forster, Michael Masucci, Kate Johnson, Vanessa Blaylock.Molly Ross and Rebecca Longworth chimed in by email but were not able to meet up with us today.

    Items discussed:
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    • Ciara 02:38 on 15/07/2014 Permalink | Reply

      Thank you for posting the minutes, Christa. It’s really helpful to have this record of our meeting and the links are great too. I enjoyed the Ant Farm documentary trailer – it was interesting to hear Doug Michaels speak of how they arrived at the name Ant Farm – (though I think “Chip, Chuck and Doug” has a catchy ring to it too and happy associations of chipping away at an idea, chucking out the stuff that doesn’t work and er…Doug…hm…dug, past tense of dig and…eh…erm…well, okay, just Doug then!)

      I think I conveyed a slightly wrong impression about the name issue in our hangout – it was not so much the name itself that I struggled with (I’m fond of “The Berries”) but rather more that felt uncertain about the identity of the group to which the name refers. This only really became a problem for me when I tried to describe us in an email to Sher Doruff. I’d grown to think of us as a sort of online artist collective/artist-led initiative but I wasn’t quite sure if this was a view held by the other members. I didn’t feel entitled to make such assumptions about the identity of the group, particularly as I wasn’t “with the band” at the beginning πŸ˜‰

      Anyway, I absolutely love Christa’s idea of doing an action or performance together that celebrates our commitment to the group, opens it to further participation and, in some way, serves as a little signatory act.

    • Vanessa Blaylock 16:01 on 15/07/2014 Permalink | Reply

      It’s so interesting that Christa & Ciara & Michael & Kate all seemed to be bring up ideas that I thought fit well together. I agree with all of it! Or at least whatever I thought the zeitgeist of it all was! πŸ˜€

      I’d love to move on these compelling ideas right away! However for myself, I think July & August are just too buried in other responsibilities. But you all certainly don’t have to wait for me! You can totally run with any of this in whatever form(s) make sense.

      • xtaforster 21:59 on 20/07/2014 Permalink | Reply

        I never thought I’d hear Vanessa say she was buried under too much work! She IS mortal, after all. xoxoxo

        Here’s a name I’ll throw out there — ARACHNET (did you remember my mentioning that spiders are my spirit animals?) Anyway…definitely has a stronger bite than berries. I do love the anti-oxidant connotations of berries, though.

  • Vanessa 18:08 on 12/05/2014 Permalink | Reply
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    Mixed Berry Shake – May 2014! 

    Nice hangout today with Christa, Ciara, Kate, Michael, Rebecca N., Hugh, and myself. More great topics than we had time for. Here’s a few snips from my typing in response to compelling ideas from the other participants:
    (More …)

    • Edie Sedgwick 23:11 on 13/05/2014 Permalink | Reply

      Hi Rebecca! I know of 3 of the Kickstarter type funding sites. There’s no doubt plenty of others.


      As far as I know the oldest and sort of most established / respected of the platforms. You cannot fund things like “school,” but you can fund a specific project, so you could write that you need €4,000 to produce 1 or a series of dance pieces to be performed at various venues at various times. With Kickstarter it’s all or nothing. If you don’t make your goal nobody pays and you get no money. Their theory is that if you don’t have enough you can’t do the project and it’s not fair to the investors to have 1/2 a project.


      Similar to kickstarter with the big difference that you get the money even if you don’t make the goal. Some people think it’s flakier for that reason, but others who aren’t sure about their level of support like the flexibility.


      Different in that it IS for funding your activities like school. So it might be ideal for your situation. Although I do like the opportunity Kickstarter offers to focus on specific “deliverable” works. Some might be happy to help out with your school costs, but others might feel like more of an arts philanthropist if they know their money is helping to produce 6 new choreographic works presented in 3 cities in 2014 – 2015 and that for their contribution they’ll have access to exclusive video previews and video chats with you and some of your team. It seems like a nice “excuse” to build out your network of colleagues and audience members.

      Best wishes on your exciting project Rebecca!

    • Edie Sedgwick 08:16 on 14/05/2014 Permalink | Reply

      Hi guys, me again! I was just looking at all the cultural institutions tweeting come see our X, Y, Z… seems like they’re always trolling for F2F visitors. And I found myself tweeting:

      Which I think is kind of what Ciara was saying about .Re/act. It is interesting how many peeps instinctively use new media in the most simple, banal ways! Or perhaps by following Cultural Institutions instead of Individual Artists I’m making that more likely.

  • Molly Ross 18:43 on 28/01/2014 Permalink | Reply
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    History of Howdy Doody in Comic Book Form 

    For Ciara, Donnie and Oscar (and the other anthropormorphic forms interested).




    • Ciara Finnegan 08:26 on 29/01/2014 Permalink | Reply

      Fantastic! It’s excellent. Thank you, Molly!

      • Donnie 09:10 on 29/01/2014 Permalink | Reply

        Whaddya mean: “Fantastic! Excellent!” It’s tragic! Woeful! THEY BURNED THE PUPPETS DAMMIT!! Was there a Medici patron of NBC?

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