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  • Vanessa 07:45 on 14/04/2014 Permalink | Reply
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    ## Mixed Berry Shake Here’s today’s agenda 1… 

    Mixed Berry Shake

    Here’s today’s agenda:

    1. Hello & catch up from everyone
    2. Kate Johnson – interests, ideas, current projects
    3. Hugh Mcelveen – interests, ideas, current projects
    4. Updates from Michael, Xta, Rebecca, Van
    5. Discuss LACMA Art+Technology Grants / Residencies
    6. What else?
    7. Ideas for May’s Shake

    * LACMA Grants
    * Mixed Berry Shake 2014 schedule
    * Van’s new Avatar Alphabet

    Add any other links / ideas in the comments!

    • Ciara 08:09 on 14/04/2014 Permalink | Reply

      Sounds delicious 😉 Thank you for the invitation to hangout. I’m really sorry that I can’t join in today. I hope you have a good meeting and I look forward to hearing how things go.

      • xtaforster 08:18 on 14/04/2014 Permalink | Reply

        Ahhh, Ciara, I was looking forward to your being there today. I hope you are able to join soon!

    • Rebecca 10:30 on 14/04/2014 Permalink | Reply

      Hi all! Links here to my very early google hangout experiments for the performance (http://foolsfury.org/fury/) that’s happening this weekend. The piece is called “The Seeing Place” and is a meditation on Antigone. For this round, we hadn’t created aliases and were all using our own google accounts, so sadly there are no character names attached.


      Is an example of a scripted scene; text is from Brecht’s Antigone interspersed with an interview of a contemporary U.S. soldier serving in Iraq. The idea here was to replace my big old headshot with footage (sans audio) of the Creon character giving his edict prohibiting the burial of Polynices.

      Creon Haemon 1-1

      and 2-1

      were both attempts at overlapping texts spontaneously… made very difficult by the audio & video delay on our various internet connections. These also include two observers: one listening in at a local Starbucks, and another roaming the main branch at the SF Public Library. We were interested in what the effect of non-verbal participants would be.

      The plan for the performance is to have one (very different) Google hangout that’s prerecorded as one of the scenes in the show, and another live hangout where audience members can see the Antigone character leave the theatre under guard. I will post a link to that Hangout-On-Air! Thanks Vanessa for that excellent suggestion.

      That’s very little context for you, but any thoughts or questions are welcome!

  • Vanessa 18:02 on 19/01/2014 Permalink | Reply
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    ART + TECHNOLOGY LAB Hey all I just… 

    Hey all! I just discovered an exciting new project, and request for artist proposals, at Michael’s neighbor LACMA!

    Click to access LACMALabRFP.pdf

    (More …)

    • Christa Forster 20:12 on 19/01/2014 Permalink | Reply

      Van, I’m interested. Here are the bullet points that I feel most resonate with “us”:

      Connection and explorations of portable identities and pseudo-identities
      • Distributed experience and storytelling through multi-dimensional user
      experience design
      • Crowd-sourced information production and human-based computation

      And here are the questions that I think “we” can best answer.

      Is the project artist-led and does it have artistic merit? YES
      • Does it produce an interactive experience that can be presented in the
      public space of the museum (which may include virtual/online space)? YES
      • Does the project suggest models, methods, and/or data that may be of
      interest to other artists and technologists? YES
      • Does the process proposed by the artist include opportunities to present
      demos, prototypes or collaborative opportunities for the public during the
      development period? YES

      The directions are pretty straight forward. With whoever is interested, we can split up the sections and answer them, or we — whoever is interested — could each write responses, and then we could massage the responses into a single app.

      Hello! LOIS WEAVER–> 🙂

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