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  • Fanny 21:31 on 27/03/2015 Permalink | Reply
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    Big Avatar On Campus Week 3: Art Oluja 

    Seven nights I slept so good with the Trophy next to me – time to pass it on to the next Big Avatar On Campus.

    You all may have read this more than one time already, but it is true that it is not easy to decide for one person. However, the BAOC Award for this week goes to Art Oluja for her Editor work and lots of interviews she did so far. I hope to see her some time today to present her with the Trophy.

    I also thought that a picture with the several states of metamorphosis may be nice, so here it is.

    The history of the BAOC Trophy so far ...

    The history of the BAOC Trophy so far …

    On the left side Izzy’s creation which went to Neeva, in the middle you can see Neeva’s light-projector which went to me and on the right side my interpretation which goes to Art. Izzy’s first primitive object is still part of it as well as one of Neeva’s (means showing them as creator).

    Now, next Friday it will be Art’s turn to pick the Big Avatar On Campus for week 4.  She can add something to the trophy and pass it along to the next BAOC … and yes, I stole this sentence from Neeva’s post.

    Congratulations Art!

    • Oona 21:40 on 27/03/2015 Permalink | Reply

      Congratulations Art! How exciting! 🙂 🙂

      • Izzy 21:50 on 27/03/2015 Permalink | Reply

        I’m with Oona!!

        Congratulations Neeva!
        Congratulations Fanny!!
        Congratulations Art!!!

        I know Art had other plans for time here at MU. Then there was that night when Newton and I kept her up all night talking, and the next morning MU/Creativity was born and Art was the editor! So much lovely work and such community spirit!

        Go Art!!!

    • Neeva 23:02 on 27/03/2015 Permalink | Reply

      @Art. Congrats Art! Thanks so much for your work on MU’s Creativity magazine. I love how your head is so full of ideas and enthusiasm. Your presence has really added to the community at MU.

      @Fanny. I love the picture of the trophy’s evolution! Great pic and great pick.

    • Elle 00:32 on 28/03/2015 Permalink | Reply

      Congrats Art!!

    • Art Oluja 09:28 on 28/03/2015 Permalink | Reply

      Whaaaaat the trophy lands on my doorstep how awesome, thank you all!
      I’m in love with the metamorphosing of this trophy (of course I would be haha!), and I’m tempted to go on about how its a wonderful metaphor for how I like to think of MU, in that exquisite corpse creative process sort of way. It’s been a pleasure being a part of MU and getting to know so many creative people, it’s quite a rush of inspiration, and I’m looking forward to more of it!

  • Neeva 22:16 on 21/03/2015 Permalink | Reply
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    Big Avatar On Campus Week 2: Fanny Vermont 

    Fanny explaining the mysteries of SL photography lighting

    Fanny explaining the mysteries of SL photography lighting

    All right, my seven days of fame are over. It’s time for Neeva to pass the torch…er…prim to the next honored Big Avatar on Campus.

    It’s very hard to pick just one person, but the BAOC trophy for week 2 goes to Fanny Vermont. Here’s why: She taught a fabulous photography class. She posed in the nude for two hours for life drawing class. She posts (and responds to posts) on the MU flickr group. I’ve seen her influence in the work of other photographers on campus (creating custom poses for photograph shoots). And…she is regularly working on campus actively creating a body of work and helping to create a vibrant community. She’s making art and generously sharing what she knows with others.

    There are a lot of big avatars on Campus, but among them Fanny stands tall. Congrats Fanny, you deserve it!

    Now, next Friday it will be Fanny’s turn to pick the Big Avatar On Campus for week 3.  She can add something to the trophy and pass it along to the next BAOC.

    [Here is the Link to Izzy’s original post about the award: http://mediciuniversity.co.uk/talk/big-avatar-on-campus-the-awesome-zsophia/#more-403 ]

    • Izzy 22:24 on 21/03/2015 Permalink | Reply

      Congratulations Fanny! Well deserved! How about a photo of that trophy?? 😀

  • Izzy 15:40 on 12/03/2015 Permalink | Reply
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    Big Avatar On Campus

    The awesome Zsophia is working on getting our MU Honor Roll up to date — Go Zsophia!

    Honor Roll

    Which inspired me to add a new Big Avatar On Campus (BAOC) award. Emma’s working on the trophy now. It will be a perpetual trophy where the recipient adds their name or other elements before passing it on.

    (More …)

    • Myra 18:40 on 12/03/2015 Permalink | Reply

      Gratz, Neeva! You so deserve this. To show how you’ve inspired me, here’s a mini tower of love:

      Is there a tower of BAoC trophies sometime in the near future?

      Gratz, again.


    • Elle 21:08 on 12/03/2015 Permalink | Reply

      Yay Neeva! Congratulations!

    • Neeva 23:13 on 12/03/2015 Permalink | Reply

      Awwwww. /Blush. Thanks! But better than getting the award will be next week’s chance to give it. I know some very worthy BAOCs already, but if you know someone who is really having a breakout week let me know.

      We have this great sim, blogs, studios until June. The Universe has given us this really unexpected gift. What happens now is in our hands. As an artist, writer, photographer, of any level of skill, this is a amazing opportunity to try more, risk more, create more, learn more, and teach more than you ever have before. It’s a chance to make a supportive community. To build a mini-Renaissance from the ground up. So catch fire. Have fun. Show up and do stuff. And let me know what you are doing so i can cheer you on.


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