This is a basic Second Life Safety class with information and tools you can use! This is a single class that I will be repeating.
Organizational Meeting
Friday, 20 March ’15 @ MU-Maria-7
• Noon SLT (19:00 GMT)
• 8pm SLT (03:00 Saturday, GMT)
Learners may attend either one. If both times are bad, please leave a comment on the course page to discuss the class.
Organizational Meeting
Friday, 20 March ’15 @ MU-Maria-7
• Noon SLT (19:00 GMT)
• 8pm SLT (03:00 Saturday, GMT)
Learners may attend either one. If both times are bad, please leave a comment on the course page to discuss the class.

Learn basic skills in GIMP open-source software. This class will provide an overview, discussion, optional sharing and support. The course will have a strong guided self-study component. Guidance for further learning on your own and a simple weekly hands-on assignment will be provided at each class.
Present artwork or ideas gleaned from our last meeting. For more information, contact Lex Perdide (Newon) or visit the CS blog.
“Gender ought not to be construed as a stable identity or locus of agency from which various acts follow; rather, gender is an identity tenuously constituted in time, instituted in an exterior space through a stylized repetition of acts.
– Judith Butler, Excerpts from Subversive Body Acts” –

Anthea Sharp hit the USA today best seller book publishing her writing digitally through Amazon, Apple and others. Her fantasy books have a strong virtual-reality theme. She’s a fantastic writer and very engaging. She is really open to questions by writers of every level. She knows your favorite author.
Free stuff: the first book in her series, Feyland: The Dark Realm. Also… Snacks!

Learn basic skills in GIMP open-source software. This class will provide an overview, discussion, optional sharing and support. The course will have a strong guided self-study component. Guidance for further learning on your own and a simple weekly hands-on assignment will be provided at each class.
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