Isabella’s Salon
Comments about my salon from Donna Cardamone and Gabrielle Langdon. That salon of so long ago was the initial seed now blossoming into Medici University.
Comments about my salon from Donna Cardamone and Gabrielle Langdon. That salon of so long ago was the initial seed now blossoming into Medici University.
On March 12, 2014, I premiere a major part of the performance project I’ve been working on for the past year — What’s on [My] Mind? What’s on [My] Mind? is a transmedia performance. Working in multiple mediums — monologues, music, social media, virtual worlds, and blogs —I explore how …
This week we look at Pedagogy & Assessment with particular emphasis on digital Badges as tools to support & document learning and make it portable. Unlike a line in a resume that leaves the content at the university, a badge carries the content with the student.
A letter to ArtTrav editor Alexandra Korey talking about my sister Bia and the origins of Medici University.
Time/Space Flies ONE Night: EZTV, SIGGRAPH and Digital Art in West Hollywood, of which the Fly-By project is a part, has been moved from April 12 to May 31st. It has also moved from the outdoor parking lot that is was originally to be staged in, to a much larger, …
After 438 years underground, my brain is thinking new thoughts. How do I shake all the worms out of the synapses of my brain? How do I know what is authentically me in this unexpected 35th year of life, here in this unimaginable 21st century?
I joined the FutureED meetup at Virtual Tufts in SL today and discussed the course with Roland Legrand, Robin Heyden, Stylianos Ling, and Beth Ghostraven.
For the 2nd 3 weeks of FutureED we turn from the history to the future of Higher Ed and begin our list of 10+1 ways to shift the paradigm of higher ed.
In our current “knowledge hoarding” educational model, we learn many things that we might not use for a long time, if ever. What if we switched to “Just in Time”, or “Project Based” learning, where you learn the tools you need to complete the projects you care about?
A beautiful, forward looking document, the Draft of our Course Constitution is still saddled with vestiges of 20th century baggage. Here are 5 suggestions to make it a living document for the 21st century.
FutureEd constitutes an experiment in collaborative learning. Together, we commit ourselves to iteratively identifying, evaluating, creating, rethinking, and building solutions to [mostly] higher educational challenges and opportunities that lie ahead for all of us in the 21st century.
For me the day it all changed was 6 August 1991 when Tim Berners-Lee posted the 1st web page. Course instructor Cathy N. Davidson seems paradoxically uninterested in Berners-Lee’s insight and prefers to focus on 22 April 1993, the day the Mosaic web browser was released. Either way, for about 22 years the world has been a different place, and we’re taking this course today to think about how education can catch up.
I’m taking a MOOC from educational visionary Cathy N. Davidson, former Duke University Vice-Provost and co-founder of HASTAC. Wk 1: 4 Information Ages: Writing,
Moveable Type, Mass Printing, Internet. Wk 2: Industrial Revolution & education as we know it today.
Today’s bored student is tomorrow’s unfulfilled worker. 24/7 media has eliminated boredom from all aspects of life. Except the classroom. And the workplace. At Medici University we believe there’s another way
So there I was minding my own, royal, business, when that impertinent woman Ysidora Pico (who’s still bitter about losing her land [try losing your life]) says to me, Izzy, why don’t you stop writing unsigned love letters to your boyfriend Troilo Orsini who will have his butt on a …
FORCE OF NATURE- the life of Zina Bethune For the past two years, the middle of February has been a time of emotional depression for EZTV’s Kate Johnson and me. It was at this time of the year, that a true force of nature was senselessly taken from us. Her …
Shot in the Dark (above, still image from “Rage to Know” a 2005 live collaboration between Donna Sternberg, Kate Johnson and Michael J. Masucci) Last week, the In the Dark project submitted its proposal to the Los Angeles County Museum of Art’s LACMA Lab grant program. For the application, I …
Past lives are rising again on the Internet and they need your keyboard! Join us in the #1850charla project!
“Blue Eyes”- Kenneth Hughes’ First Film There has never been a time, in all of recorded history, when art and technolgy were not intertwined. Each inform the other, and both are really an extended continum of the creative process. Sometimes technology suggests new forms of art based practice. Kenneth Hughes …
Vanessa found this RFP for the LACMA Art+Technology Lab, and I’ve been toying with what a Blueberry Blintz proposal might look like; honestly, I’m stumped, because I don’t really work with “emerging technologies” as a practice, but (!) I think we can relate what we’re doing with these points in the …