Blogs ARE 4 Writers!
Hiya MU Creative Writers! I know some of you might think a blog is the wrong place for your work. I’d like to suggest thinking about one as a great place to publish your creative writing!
Hiya MU Creative Writers! I know some of you might think a blog is the wrong place for your work. I’d like to suggest thinking about one as a great place to publish your creative writing!
Oona, Paypabak Writer, Ryan, and 1 other are discussing. Toggle Comments
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Pearl Grey 21:14 on 18/04/2015 Permalink |
Thanks for posting this Good Ryan.
I think MU people are writing and simply not sharing. Maybe that’s because we all have a lot to do and feel shy about pointing people in the direction of our writing because they are so busy.
I’ve only been to two Wednesday night Crit classes and the impression I got was that it was for things that can be rezzed like 3D objects. I felt sad about it for a while.
I have notebooks with writing, typed documents and also find that a WP blog is a great place to stash projects under the radar.
Some of the people who’ve contributed pieces to my Story Board project don’t consider themselves to be writers yet have written wonderfully. I am hoping that seeing their stories and poems published there will be encouraging to them.
In my Medici University journal at WP is a category for Creative Writing and I have a few pieces stashed there. They aren’t being read, which is fine. There’s a separate blog for some of my virtual reality creative writing here:
I have a good guess who said “blogging is for losers” and thankfully that writer won’t ever be reading my in-need-of-editing short pieces of creative writing. When people aren’t safe to pass through good on their way to great, it is a loss.
I doubt that I’m the only one keeping creative writing low-key. Reading takes time, longer than glancing at a photo for sure.
Ryan 22:45 on 18/04/2015 Permalink |
Hiya Pearl!
I should have specified that YOU and Paypabak are each writing enough to count for a whole department!! My comments were so not about you!!
As for crit class, not to speak for the past or current facilitator, but I’ve always understood it as a place to present any work. Just as there probably isn’t time to TP to some whole other region and look at Bryn Oh’s latest full-sim installations, obviously there wouldn’t be time to read a whole novel or even a chapter of one. But a short story or a few pages of something longer would work.
And for sure it’d be great to have the writing department reading each other’s work. I know that’s been talked about by several people, but perhaps not ever fully launched.
If you can think of a better way to share content, let’s do it! I’m sure MU/Creativity would be happy to help. There have been many MU/C posts on individual artists, but there could also be one on the Writing Department itself, with mini-bios of the participants and some short samples of their work with links to longer.
While it’s not enough all by itself, for sure we should try to be sure to have more peeps websites linked on the URLopolis page:
Paypabak Writer 19:11 on 20/04/2015 Permalink |
I have a group tag that reads “Tumblr Jourmalist” that makes me smile because I think it’s an oxymoron. Tumblr, I’ve been told, is not for extended writing. Most of my posts are extended. I guess I’m just not reading the rules or don’t give a shit. Or both. (Not supposed to use fragments as sentences, either, I’ve been told.) I write because I feel more or less compelled to do so and blogging fits my compulsion like the latex I love to wear in SL even though in first life I am more likely wearing something loose and well worn.
Oona 00:11 on 21/04/2015 Permalink |
I love that people post links to their latest posts here. Please don’t stop, and if you don’t please start. 🙂