Getting Closer…
Here is a version of the What’s on [My] Mind? publicity website. Please take a look at it, and if you have a moment, I would appreciate any feedback you might have about what’s working well and about how I can make it better. THANK YOU!
(P.S. If you click on the image, it should take you to the link.) (P.S.S. if you click on the #1850charla post on the website, it will give you an initial understanding of how I’m thinking about organizing the charla).
Christa Forster 17:16 on 25/02/2014 Permalink |
Looks awesome, Ysi!
Patrick J. Sweetman 00:29 on 26/02/2014 Permalink |
Hey Ysi (goes with Izzi) it looks great. And I’ve no problem hanging out with Prima Donnas. Who’s going to throw the best parties the Prima Donnas or the Wallflowers? I’m with the PDs all the way. And anyway in a previous life I was Sarah Bernhardt, that’s enough Prima Donna for any man!
Christa Forster 16:30 on 26/02/2014 Permalink |
Ah, Sarah! I love her style! I’ve turned my hair into a nest for birds but never into a belfry for bats! Next up….
Patrick J. Sweetman 10:22 on 27/02/2014 Permalink |
The lady is a vamp and a little known influence for Ozzie Osbourn’s stage show.