psst… if anybody’d like a cool photo icon instead of those blue, sideways “G” thingys, it’s super easy!
Just drop by
Make a free account with the same email that you signed up on MU/Talk with, paste a photo there, and voila! Your awesome mug will populate all your stuff over here!
Myra 19:39 on 24/03/2015 Permalink |
You can also get your gravitar icon through when you register on their site. You get a freebie blog, there, when you do, so it’s an option worth considering.
If your privacy is an issue – blogs often log IP addresses – consider trying CyberGhost. It’s free and mixes up your IP address for you.
Xue 18:05 on 27/03/2015 Permalink |
Yes Myra! Going to Gravatar or is more-or-less the same thing. (they’re both from Automattic) either way will get you the same thing.
If you only want an Icon, just go to Gravatar. You can always have a blog at any time later, still free & easy.
If you’d like a blog, as Myra said, you can go to and do both. And of course, you can sign up for a free blog without any obligation to use it! :+]