I’ve never heard how many students enrolled in…
I’ve never heard how many students enrolled in Practice Based Research in the Arts or Creating Site Specific Dance & Performance Works, but The Future of Storytelling from Potsdam / Iversity is now up to 80,000. I’m sure PBR & Site Dance are vastly smaller, still in all cases it’s thousands at least.
In the forums however, it seems at least for PBR & Site Dance (I’ve been less active in Storytelling) that the significant participants don’t number over 100. Even though there are not thousands of posts in the forums, getting seen is really hard. Yet only PBR from Stanford / NovoED has Groups or Teams. I really like this format for giving you a sense of place and interaction. Peer Review doesn’t come all that close in my judgement. So I think if we want to leverage “massive” then we need Groups! Also NovoED seems the best for meeting classmates (so, among other things you can create informed groups) NovoED is FAR from perfect on this, but it does seem to facilitate it better than Coursera or Iversity so far.
Vanessa 14:36 on 30/11/2013 Permalink |
Also, only NovoED even has the feature of messaging classmates. On both Coursera & Iversity your only hope of communicating with colleagues outside of the closed, soon to be shut down, forums, is if you can find them out on the web. Some students put URLs in their profiles, but shockingly many do not.
Again, in a “massive” course, of course you can’t expect 1-to-1 contact with faculty or TA’s, so it is very much peers & colleagues that we need to form relationships with. Otherwise a MOOC is just a lecture class, and that’s a lot less.