I’m taking Practice Based Research from NovoED and also Site Dance from Coursera.
ADVANTAGE NOVOED: So much easier to find and communicate with interesting classmates.
ADVANTAGE COURSERA: So much easier to give quick & meaningful peer review feedback.
Molly Ross 20:12 on 17/11/2013 Permalink |
Yes! Yes! I am taking both of these courses as well! Both are fantastic for content. I’ve found Cousera to be a bit sprawling in the forums. There are many more threads posted than over at NovoEd and I’ve had trouble weeding through them to give feeback. This is partly the instructors design (they encouraged individual threads with the first assignment LandMark) partly the platform design and partly my fault for not always being the most tech savvy.
Vanessa 21:30 on 17/11/2013 Permalink |
Yes Molly, I’m grateful for both, yet not entirely happy with either. It is interesting how “tech details” can so dramatically effect the experience you have in these different spaces. And for sure what we’re experiencing on both sites is an interaction between the platform and the instructor’s design.
On Peer Review for example, on NovoED it takes me forever to do them, it’s painful and I hate it, and in the end I don’t really feel that I said anything useful. On Coursera I wind up doing extra ones because it’s so fast, easy, and fun to do, but I also feel like I’ve actually given the artist some sort of useful feedback.