Some people have asked for information on Processing and Generative Art. FutureLearn is offering a class on Creative Coding starting on August 3rd.
I also put together some information on Generative Art, Artists & resources (primarily Processing) at GenCreate. It’s sort of minimalist, but might be helpful.
Oona 05:46 on 18/05/2015 Permalink |
Thank you Elle. I’d like to eventually learn this too.
Elle 12:31 on 18/05/2015 Permalink |
You’re welcome, Oona. What you are learning with building and scripting will help you with learning this.
Neeva 20:14 on 19/05/2015 Permalink |
Thanks Elle. You are always so wiling to share. I appreciate that a lot.
Elle 02:33 on 20/05/2015 Permalink |
Thanks Neeva. 🙂