Free Online Writing Course
Hi there. Elle brought this to our attention a couple of weeks ago, but I wanted to remind everyone that The Open University is offering a free creative writing course online for the month of May (it began yesterday). There are a few things to do each week (5 minute video, short paragraph to read, and writing exercises – with opportunity to post them for feedback), totaling around 3 hours. You can join or leave at any time, and aren’t compelled to finish each section if you want to jump around. I am going to give it a shot. I’m a little busy for getting into it hardcore, but I’d like to keep the creative juices flowing. If you’d like to join here is a link and maybe you can share your written exercises on MU/Stories?? 😉
Art 06:02 on 29/04/2015 Permalink |
I completed this course just before getting involved with MU. Its fantastic! And very flexible how involved you want to get. I will say that realistically I spent much more time with the course than their estimation, but I was doing all the tasks and reading/responding to other peoples work daily. Definitely an enriching experience and there are loads of other great courses too!
astrid 15:42 on 29/04/2015 Permalink |
Awesome! Glad to hear some positive feedback from someone who has done it before!
Oona 15:34 on 01/05/2015 Permalink |
This looks like a great course. Thank you for reminding us Astrid! 🙂 🙂 If I wasn’t so anti-writing I might actually get my act together. hehe
astrid 21:25 on 01/05/2015 Permalink |
LOL Oona, you are in the creative writing department. I think it’s just so easy to get distracted!