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  • Vanessa 11:27 on 11/12/2013 Permalink | Reply
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    I’ve just done a quick browse of Udacity… 

    I’ve just done a quick browse of Udacity, Iversity, NovoED, and Coursera, and Coursera definitely seems to be the Arts MOOC leader. Or perhaps they’re just the biggest and have the most of everything…

  • Vanessa 23:10 on 09/12/2013 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , iversity   

    MOOC Data 

    Stats on participation in Scott Klemmer's HCI MOOC: 16,000 watched videos, 12,000 submitted quizzes, and 1,260 completed assignments

    HCI MOOC Stats / Scott Klemmer / UC San Diego / Coursera

    Molly and I were wondering how many people enrolled in our PBR MOOC and other stats we haven’t heard about. I don’t think Site Dance shared numbers either. I do know that the Future of Storytelling MOOC from Postdam / Iversity has 83,000 peeps “enrolled” yet only 120 submitted “Creative Task of the Week #4” (More …)

    • Molly Ross 00:59 on 10/12/2013 Permalink | Reply

      That is so great to see! Obviously for his content (human computer interaction) he’s interested in how many humans are interacting. I wonder why the other courses or platforms don’t just automatically include this information? Is there a reason for it?

      • Vanessa 01:11 on 10/12/2013 Permalink | Reply

        My guess is that it’s simply who bothers to share the numbers. Scott Klemmer shared his Coursera stats, but Steve Koplowitz didn’t (that I know of) share his Coursera stats. Our PBR team hasn’t shared our NovoED stats (that I know of) but Christina Maria Schollerer has shared the numbers I posted above for her Iversity “Future of Storytelling” MOOC.

        Overall though, I’m with you. Why don’t the platforms themselves just share data all over the place, just as you see “72 Facebook likes” on a blog post. Or as the forums DO show the Post / Comment / Read counts.

        Open Data. Open Web. Open Knowledge. It’s all about Open!

  • Vanessa 15:57 on 29/11/2013 Permalink | Reply
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    I’ve never heard how many students enrolled in… 

    I’ve never heard how many students enrolled in Practice Based Research in the Arts or Creating Site Specific Dance & Performance Works, but The Future of Storytelling from Potsdam / Iversity is now up to 80,000. I’m sure PBR & Site Dance are vastly smaller, still in all cases it’s thousands at least.
    (More …)

    • Vanessa 14:36 on 30/11/2013 Permalink | Reply

      Also, only NovoED even has the feature of messaging classmates. On both Coursera & Iversity your only hope of communicating with colleagues outside of the closed, soon to be shut down, forums, is if you can find them out on the web. Some students put URLs in their profiles, but shockingly many do not.

      Again, in a “massive” course, of course you can’t expect 1-to-1 contact with faculty or TA’s, so it is very much peers & colleagues that we need to form relationships with. Otherwise a MOOC is just a lecture class, and that’s a lot less.

      1. We need student-2-student messaging
      2. We need profiles that prompt (optionally) for your website
      3. We need groups & group messaging
      4. We need Peer Review with the option to not be anonymous
      5. We need Peer Review structured like Coursera so it’s easy, fast, fun, and useful. Not like the peer reviewing a whole transcript of discussion on NovoED that requires aspirin just to get through doing a lousy job that will help no one anyway.
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