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  • Vanessa 01:57 on 01/12/2013 Permalink | Reply
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    Surprisingly I found the Site Dance Final Projects… 

    Surprisingly, I found the Site Dance Final Projects a bit less exciting to read (peer review) than the Project 2 “Designing & Structuring Your Work” projects. I found the P2’s especially compelling! Maybe just the luck of the draw, IDK.

  • Vanessa 15:57 on 29/11/2013 Permalink | Reply
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    I’ve never heard how many students enrolled in… 

    I’ve never heard how many students enrolled in Practice Based Research in the Arts or Creating Site Specific Dance & Performance Works, but The Future of Storytelling from Potsdam / Iversity is now up to 80,000. I’m sure PBR & Site Dance are vastly smaller, still in all cases it’s thousands at least.
    (More …)

    • Vanessa 14:36 on 30/11/2013 Permalink | Reply

      Also, only NovoED even has the feature of messaging classmates. On both Coursera & Iversity your only hope of communicating with colleagues outside of the closed, soon to be shut down, forums, is if you can find them out on the web. Some students put URLs in their profiles, but shockingly many do not.

      Again, in a “massive” course, of course you can’t expect 1-to-1 contact with faculty or TA’s, so it is very much peers & colleagues that we need to form relationships with. Otherwise a MOOC is just a lecture class, and that’s a lot less.

      1. We need student-2-student messaging
      2. We need profiles that prompt (optionally) for your website
      3. We need groups & group messaging
      4. We need Peer Review with the option to not be anonymous
      5. We need Peer Review structured like Coursera so it’s easy, fast, fun, and useful. Not like the peer reviewing a whole transcript of discussion on NovoED that requires aspirin just to get through doing a lousy job that will help no one anyway.
  • Vanessa 18:51 on 17/11/2013 Permalink | Reply
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    I’m taking Practice Based Research from NovoED and also Site Dance from Coursera.
    ADVANTAGE NOVOED: So much easier to find and communicate with interesting classmates.
    ADVANTAGE COURSERA: So much easier to give quick & meaningful peer review feedback.


    • Molly Ross 20:12 on 17/11/2013 Permalink | Reply

      Yes! Yes! I am taking both of these courses as well! Both are fantastic for content. I’ve found Cousera to be a bit sprawling in the forums. There are many more threads posted than over at NovoEd and I’ve had trouble weeding through them to give feeback. This is partly the instructors design (they encouraged individual threads with the first assignment LandMark) partly the platform design and partly my fault for not always being the most tech savvy.

    • Vanessa 21:30 on 17/11/2013 Permalink | Reply

      Yes Molly, I’m grateful for both, yet not entirely happy with either. It is interesting how “tech details” can so dramatically effect the experience you have in these different spaces. And for sure what we’re experiencing on both sites is an interaction between the platform and the instructor’s design.

      On Peer Review for example, on NovoED it takes me forever to do them, it’s painful and I hate it, and in the end I don’t really feel that I said anything useful. On Coursera I wind up doing extra ones because it’s so fast, easy, and fun to do, but I also feel like I’ve actually given the artist some sort of useful feedback.

  • Vanessa 19:18 on 10/11/2013 Permalink | Reply
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    PEER REVIEW I’m not positive on these details… 

    I’m not positive on these details, but it seems like on NovoED you know who you are reviewing, and on Coursera you do not. One can imagine the privacy value of having Project Designer and Project Reviewer both be anonymous — HOWEVER — since I see meeting new colleagues as the single biggest benefit from MOOCs, it’d be nice if both the Designer & Reviewer had a “Make my identity known” or “Make my identity public” checkbox. (I wouldn’t even mind if the default was that the box was checked)

    It’s so frustrating to see someone’s great project and have no idea who they are. These MOOCs are all too big to permit “hanging out with the faculty” but when the structure actively prevents “hanging out with classmate / colleagues” that sucks.

    • Vanessa 19:32 on 10/11/2013 Permalink | Reply

      While waiting for that checkbox — peeps who post work could also blog the work, or even an extended version with more pix, etc, and then add their URL to their turnin post. Thus providing both identity and content for anyone who’s interested.

      Perhaps reviewers could also add a link to their site.

    • Ciara 08:16 on 11/11/2013 Permalink | Reply

      Gosh, V. This reply does not directly address the points you raise above but it’s in the same ball park: I’ve been wondering if the interactions would be richer if we were compelled to really work together on a project rather than working in groups where, frequently, the only uniting feature is the text box that binds the individual entries… What if, rather than bringing an individual “creative project” to the table we were encouraged to build a creative project with our exciting, creative peers?

    • Michael J. Masucci 19:59 on 12/11/2013 Permalink | Reply

      Good point, Van. The more we are able to build potential collaborative relationships through these MOOC experiences, the more valuable they will be.
      Some individuals will prefer, no doubt, anonymity during critique. But many others, such as yourself, will desire the opposite. IT should be a personal choice, determined by each individual, and no the institution offering the MOOC.

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