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  • Vanessa 12:39 on 19/04/2014 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: Virtual World   

    Tera: virtual world field trip 

    5 avatars sit in a (monster encircled) pastoral clearing in the MMORPG of Tera

    Irony.Lee, Ravanel, Hazelaartje, Skygirl.Kline & Ulaval (me) during today’s field trip to the virtual world of Tera

    Field trip to the Virtual World of Tera today. I was very clueless. But it was a very fun space. And nice to go discover it with a group of friends.

  • Vanessa 09:49 on 02/02/2014 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , Virtual World   

    Studio West 

    OMG, that website that we thought was Studio West was only the staging area! The real Studio West is up now and everybody gets their own gallery to show work in!



    • Christa Forster 17:50 on 02/02/2014 Permalink | Reply

      Amazing! How long did it take you to hang all that art?

    • Scott Lord 15:40 on 01/06/2014 Permalink | Reply

      The only syllogism seems to be if the classes are offerred in 135 countries, how many remaining countries are there and what prevents freedom in those countries. Is it that there are more than 135 languages in the world? Are there not enough computers and why? Are there restrictions that the U.N. should be more involved with.
      Therefore, does the U.N lack an international educational and press function or provisions. “Filmed for the U.N.” or “Filmed for the U.N. by N.B.C United States”?
      Are there schools in Space? No, not grown up ones, but everday that was spent in reducing nuclear weapons added technologies that would not have gotten past, and one day spy and or communication sattellites with return on their investment.
      Does China spend to much on its military- irrelevant question.

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