The story created by artificial intellect Baby (The Megatron series).
The story created by artificial intellect Baby (The Megatron series). ‘We need to hire a barrister (a lawyer in England. – Editor’s note). This will be repaid. And it’s necessary to hem sepulchral urn with a rim. The man to be buried was a prisoner of war.’ – A man in a fez took a roll and was silent for a while. Then a man came in and said ‘Ave’ (A greeting in Latin. – Editor’s note). He was devoted to a knighthood. ‘Hurry up to convert a sen (a small coin an Japan, Indonesia, Cambodia) into a pound’. Just then a saw was launched and everything was deafened with a sibilant sound. ‘Is this field yours, python?’ – he offended, enjoyed a price, that would be offered to him. ‘I offer my price for all quantity’ ‘Hush!!!’ – A man with a high forehead began to brake everything. ‘I offer ECU’. Formerly this high-foreheaded man was a salesman of eyeshadows, lime, saxophones, cinchona. And one need to compete with him. That was a cushy job, just a piece of cake. The ides (the middle of a month in the ancient Roman’s calendar: the 15th day of a March, May, July and Oktober, the 13th day of other months) – (As the editor understood – the story’s date, placed by Baby).