There has been a kerfuffle in the force. Perhaps the first learning of the MU year was the following: people have different views on things. It was related to class participants of Cafe Sophistry that a chat transcript would be released on the web after the discussion had taken place. This did not sit well with at least one class participant. The Cafe Sophistry blog currently lists the chat transcripts as pending review of participants. I did some research and found some friendly help on the SL forums: Two questions come to mind 1) does MU have a clear policy on content of classes and specifically sharing content that may contain otherwise private privileged information shared between individuals “rolepaying” an education space in a virtual world? 2) As MU asserts affordances and vulnerabilities in a virtual world relating to said same “roleplaying” of an education space does MU have a clear policy on resolving disputes, in trust, between individuals, and potential legal issues arising therefrom?