Storyboards Finale: MU Collaboration – By Pearl Grey and Art Oluja

Storyboards Finale: MU Collaboration – By Pearl Grey and Art Oluja


Pearl Grey and I have enjoyed collaborating to bring you the next (and last) group of story pictures. SL is such a rich source of inspiration for writers, and when you peek into a different world of imagination waiting to unfold in your own words, well how can you resist diving right in?


The ASU Virtual Heritage Island is such a charming sim. An admirable project by Professor Caproni and Painter Meriman, it draws you in so effortlessly and takes you to another time and place.. more specifically, to Johnny Cash’s boyhood home! It’s pretty amazing to explore sims that are inspired by RL locations and events, and the ASU Heritage Island has so much thought put into its adorable little details and era-inspired ambiance. The sim includes a number of builds based on Arkansas Heritage landmarks that you can read more about here, including the Southern Tenant Farmer’s Museum, Meriman’s Emporium and Cafe, Hemingway’s Barn Studio, and the ASU Memorial Hospital.


Needless to say, we had a blast (from the past!) snapping there and are excited to see where your writing imagination takes you with this selection!

Time has passed I’ve forgotten mother nature does wonderful things
I thought nothing could stop me from loving you but time changes everything
You can change the name of an old song rearrange it and make it swing
I thought nothing could stop me from loving you but time changes everything  -Johnny Cash, “Time Changes Everything” 1960

Your challenge: Write whatever you feel inspired to after contemplating the 15 pictures. Shuffle them around, reorder and pick up to 5 faves to go with your work.. Maybe a poem, a short story, or even a series of creative captions.. Send them in via notecard, email or Slack to Pearl Grey and get ready to be read! Your stories will be featured here, at MU Stories! For more details, head on over to Talk.


Here’s a list of collaborations this storyboard project has inspired so far:

Mom’s Memories About The Storm of ’43 by Veyot

Estelle’s Solution by Pearl Grey

Nostalgia by Rmarie Beedit

Waiting for You by Elle Thorkveld

The Painting on the Wall by Art Oluja


P.S. We found Katy Perry pouting on a pickle poster. Whether it’s a clue to where she came from or where she’s gone, is yet to be discovered, but we’ve got our eye on Katy too.

Katy too, Katy too
I still miss ol’ Katy too  – Johnny Cash, “Katy Too”1959

Happy writing!

ASU Sim by Professor Caproni&Painter Meriman, Post by Art Oluja&Pearl Grey, Modelling by Art Oluja&Pearl Grey, Photography by Pearl Grey.

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