Announcing MU/Creativity!

Announcing MU/Creativity!

3 avatars sit around a coffee table at Bacon Barista  in the Bia District of Medici University
Art, Izzy & Newton. Late nite bull session at Bacon Barista.

Great Mistakes?

I had a late-nite convo with my favorite chain smokers, Art & Newton. IDK actually what they were smoking, and I don’t remember what I was drinking, but all I do know is that after 2 or 3 hours, suddenly MU/Creativity was born!!

For full (and actually reliable) details, check with our brand new MU/Creativity Editor Art (Artistik Oluja). You can contact the editor:
1. IM or Notecard in-world
2. Shout on MU/Talk
3. Drop by the MU/Creativity office at Maria:12 and drop something in the mailbox

Big Plans!

Meanwhile, here’s what my sugar-caffeine-alcohol-age addled brain thinks we’re doing:

  • 2 Issues, Late March & Late June
  • A magazine featuring the creativity & collaboration of peeps at MU. Your 3D installations, photos, poems, clothes, avatars, identity hacks, class projects, all of it!

4 Destinations

We have 4 destinations for you now — sorry! sometimes dead girls get carried away! — to help make it easier, they share the same menu structure, so it should be pretty easy to navigate all 4 as 1 big website, but they’ll feature different content and have different visual styles. Here’s the lowdown:

  • MU — MU Mainpage. Our University Catalog (boring, but useful! All the other sites will be unboring! 😀
  • MU/Talk — Our big group discussion. Feel free to chime in with ideas, questions, provocations, anything! What the Kiosks are to our physical campus, MU/T is to our cyberspace campus!
  • MU/CreativityYou Are Here! We plan to feature as many of your Words, Images, Videos & Audio files, as we possibly can!
  • KATYPERRYOPOLIS! — Our Music Club & Danceteria & MU Student Union!
headshot of Art Oluja in selenium tone
New MU/Creativity Editor, Art Oluja

Say Hello!

Maybe you already have an idea or some cool stuff you’d like to share, but even if you don’t, be sure to toss New Editor Art an IM to say Hello & Congratulations!

See you on campus!

— Izzy

detail of Art Oluja's "Love" pendant

How can MU help you?