FutureED – Week 4

FutureED – Week 4

We’ve spent 3 weeks on the history of HigherED, now lets spend our 2nd and final 3 weeks on the future of HigherED.

10+1 Ways to shift the paradigm of Higher ED.

screencap of FutureED video lecture by Cathy N. Davidson

1. Practicing Digital Literacies

  1. Attention (distracted world)
  2. Participation (only 14% of Wikipedia contributors are female. Why?)
  3. Privacy
  4. Security (governments, marketers)
  5. Sustainability
  6. Credibility
  7. Ethics

For 150 years we focused on Reading, Writing & Arithmetic. What’s the new “R” for our time?

2. Practicing for a Life of Unlearning

Culture Shock and Art are great at pushing us to unlearn.
19th c – Kant – our culture, heritage, language, are all filters to our perception of the world. Art can help us unlearn.

3. Rethinking Liberal Arts as a Startup Curriculum for a Resilient Global Citizen

Amartya Sen argues that all education is vocational education in that the chief vocation in life is to lead an engaged, committed life and to contribute to society.

screencap of video  conversation between Cathy N. Davidson and Laurent Dubois

  • Laurent Dubois Haiti Lab / Franklin Humanities Institute / Haiti Earthquake
  • Haiti Lab / Embedded in Amber

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