Going with the flow (and other metaphors) at MU/Creativity

Going with the flow (and other metaphors) at MU/Creativity

There must be something in the water at MU sim, and it’s not just George Clooney and Katy Perry sediments. The flow that runs through the sim mirrors the vision of the MU team: it’s all about getting your feet wet, exploring different paths of creativity, and learning through experience. MU is about slowing down, taking in the sights and sounds of your surroundings and appreciating the simple pleasure of walking (but not flying–here’s why). It doesn’t hurt that the University is overseen by a very clever princess who is back from the dead, enthusiastically making up for lost time. And it doesn’t hurt that she is overseen by her dear great-great-grandfather, Lorenzo the Magnificent. Do let us know if you find him, he tends to wander off.

So take a walk, whether it’s in your shoes or a mile in someone elses, and when you see something that grabs your eye, STOP.

For just a sec, because this is where you build a bridge with MU/Creativity. We want to know what is on your mind, what your reactions are to the creativity surrounding you and how you are a part of that creativity. So, if you:

  • Have a response/reaction towards work you’ve explored at one of the MU studios;
  • Write a piece of poetry or prose, or even poetic prose;
  • Create a piece of art or sculpture inspired by (or to inspire!) MU creatives;
  • Discover a quote/painting/book/author/artist/philosopher whose work you feel connects to the creativity at MU, or
  • Connect with other MU artists and the brainwaves result in a very interesting conversation..

Submit your work! and chances are, we will love to share it on the MU Creativity Magazine, that’s what it’s here for after all.

Please be sure to include your Avatar name (or rl, your choice), a title if there is one, and your MU studio address. You can send me (Artistik “Art” Oluja) a notecard inworld (only IM if I’m online please otherwise it will get capped), or better yet drop by MU Creativity Mag office at Maria 12, right next to the Bridge Brewing Co. and make a creative contribution!

Keep on Rezzing,

Art Oluja

Medici University Creativity Magazine, Learner & Editor


  1. Fantastic Art! Congratulations, you are now the longest-running editor in the history of MU/Creativity!

    We do indeed have a boatload, er… simful but not sinful (well, except when Cartion trolls Amber, of course) of wonderful, creative peeps! I’m excited to see how you and MU/C can chronicle some of that work!

    Do you need “staff”? Editors, Layout Peeps, etc? Or will you be handling that and you’re mostly looking for submissions?

    1. Haha thanks Izzy! And yes, I’m looking forward to exploring all the wonderful things happening on MU. Re staff, yes I will be keeping a look out for helping hands (and putting up a separate blog about that soon) and have already had some incredible feedback and helpful insight from the MU team. See you on the grid!

      Art Oluja
  2. Pingback: Creativity Next Door: Neeva Torok | MU/Creativity

  3. Pingback: Creativity Next Door: Fanny Vermont | MU/Creativity

  4. Pingback: Creativity Next Door: Fanny Vermont - Medici University

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