Short Application

Short Application

view of Medici University virtual campus


Medici University is a virtual, non-accredited, arts university. From now through 30 June ’15 you can work and study at our LEA23 campus. Studios at MU are free, occupy a 16x16m footprint, and come with 150 prims.

There are many ways to participate:


You may like a space to show your work. For example exhibiting your Architecture, Sculpture, Fashion or other 3D creations. Or posting your photography, painting, graphic design, or other 2D works. Or exhibiting text/media works with “media on a prim” for a live feed of your blog or vlog.


Or you might like to “play” at the activities of university life.


An MU Studio can be a great space to work on projects. Your studio might be filled with past work, new work in progress, or simply a “cozy” space to work on Novels, Blogs, Architecture, Sculpture, Fashion, Dance, or many other creative forms.


You can also open a shop or service venue at MU. The LEA covenant prohibits anything being sold. But if you’re able to open a free shop, we’d love to have you.

Degrees & Certificates

While the above categories will probably cover most MU Students, Faculty, and Staff, we are excited to offer non-accredited degrees and certificates for students who are more serious about undertaking a significant course of study.

view of Medici University virtual campus


In short, we believe in student self-direction. MU will help you in assembling your program, but it should never be “requirements” coming down from the academic mountain like sacred tablets. It should be a body of work that the student wants to undertake in pursuit of career or personal goals. You can combine activities like:

  • Self-Study
  • In-world teaching
  • In-world group interaction
  • Organized events like NaNoWriMo
  • Choose many free classes from MOOCs like Coursera, NovoEd, Udacity, iVersity, and others

view of Medici University virtual campus

Apply Today!

Is MU 4U?
You can participate in campus life at MU in pretty much any way you can think of. Our guiding principles are individual freedom, and respect for all members of the MU community. Respect does mean tolerance, inclusion, and support. But it doesn’t mean always agreeing. We welcome spirited debate, a real discussion of issues, and constructive critique of each other’s work.

Apply Now

To apply, simply answer these questions in the comments below. We will contact you in-world shortly.

  1. Name? (in-world user name)

  2. Department?

Some of your department choices are:
2D Art
Art History
Architecture & Community Design
Communications & Media
Creative Writing
Fashion Design
Furniture & Interior Design
Game / World Design
Graphic Design & Illustration
Interaction Design
Machinima (Motion Picture / Television)
Museum Studies / Curatorial Practice
Music & Sound Art
New Media
Performance Art
Public Art
Therapy (Art, Dance, Music)
In addition to these 19 programs, students may also choose a General Arts Degree, or their own Hybrid Arts Degree.

.3. Brief statement of intent:

.4. Look at the MU Available Studios Map & let us know which space you’d like:

.5. Join the MU/Talk discussion group:

.6. Wear the VB Friends group tag to Rez at LEA23

Thank you for your interest in Medici University. I look forward to seeing you on campus!

Isabella Medici
(mediciprincess resident)
Provost, Medici University

view of Medici University virtual campus

How can MU help you?