Big Avatar On Campus Week 2: Fanny Vermont

Fanny explaining the mysteries of SL photography lighting

Fanny explaining the mysteries of SL photography lighting

All right, my seven days of fame are over. It’s time for Neeva to pass the torch…er…prim to the next honored Big Avatar on Campus.

It’s very hard to pick just one person, but the BAOC trophy for week 2 goes to Fanny Vermont. Here’s why: She taught a fabulous photography class. She posed in the nude for two hours for life drawing class. She posts (and responds to posts) on the MU flickr group. I’ve seen her influence in the work of other photographers on campus (creating custom poses for photograph shoots). And…she is regularly working on campus actively creating a body of work and helping to create a vibrant community. She’s making art and generously sharing what she knows with others.

There are a lot of big avatars on Campus, but among them Fanny stands tall. Congrats Fanny, you deserve it!

Now, next Friday it will be Fanny’s turn to pick the Big Avatar On Campus for week 3.  She can add something to the trophy and pass it along to the next BAOC.

[Here is the Link to Izzy’s original post about the award: ]