## Edie’s Farm VR Edition I was forwarded…
Edie’s Farm – VR Edition
I was forwarded a message from Hugh about helping out with a VR Construction project. (awesome! 🙂
Hugh had heard about a VR Medici University Campus, which Izzy has graciously pushed back to 2015 so that we can focus on creating Edie’s Farm starting on 1 August 2014. The website doesn’t currently have information on the VR Project, but here it is:
I’m applying for an “LEA AIR” or Linden Endowment for the Arts, Artist in Residence Land Grant. If Edie’s Farm is selected as one of their Land Grant Recipients (gosh Ysidora, nobody deserves a compensatory land grant more than you!) then Edie’s Farm will begin on a generous 6.5 hectare plot of virtual land. Much like Warhol’s Factory this will be a collaborative place for experiments and activities. We may put some elements up to make it cozy, but the focus will be less on construction goals and more on inspired activities.
I hope everyone will come visit, participate, and play!
xtaforster 16:36 on 17/06/2014 Permalink |
Good luck with the application. Let me know if I can help you. Ysidora and I will participate, no doubt!!