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  • Oona 15:25 on 06/05/2015 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , Photography Challenge,   

    Four A.M. Pyromaniac (May Numbers Challenge) 

    I remember when
    you took out those matches.
    Pulled the red tip over the matchbox
    and started that fire.

    It happened so fast.
    Your eyes glued to mine.
    Watching me watch you,
    as you threw the flame to the ground.

    Stunned, I watched it burn bright
    lighting up the night,
    I was mesmerized.

    Four A.M. Pyromaniac (May Numbers Challenge)

    I pulled you away.

    I moved my lips up to yours,
    looked right into your eyes,
    as I kissed you.

    Do you want me to?

    Yes… and no.

    I don’t want to.

    I know you don’t. But I warned you about fires.

    Mmmhmm I know.

    Then I reached out, took the matches from your hand, and pulled you down the path, as the fire continued to hiss and crackle behind us.

    • Myra 19:45 on 06/05/2015 Permalink | Reply

      I love this poem, Oona. It’s so good I was wondering if it was a lyric. I even tried googling it.

      • Elle 00:54 on 07/05/2015 Permalink | Reply

        Same here, it is a beautiful poem, Oona.

        • Oona 01:54 on 07/05/2015 Permalink | Reply

          Thank you Elle, I appreciate it so much. 🙂

      • Oona 01:53 on 07/05/2015 Permalink | Reply

        Thank you so much Myra. I’m gonna actually try to do some writing this go around. hehe

  • Oona 06:49 on 01/05/2015 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , Photography Challenge,   

    Z is for Zebra and Ze End 

    Dear Ryan,

    Z is for Zebra

    I wasn’t a fan of blogging before I started this challenge. I might have been kinda negative about them, cause everyone and their cat has a blog. Some people have many more, not that I know any of those people. o_O

    I’m glad you asked me to blog with you. It was fun, hard, time consuming and rewarding. Thank you.

    And although I was prepared to go another round with you in May, you need a break, so I’ll be grateful I can relax for a bit, until you decide to stop being a wuss and do another one with me. 😛

    xo Oona

  • Oona 10:26 on 21/04/2015 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , , Photography Challenge,   

    T is for Torture 

    T is for Torture

    Rippin’ my heart was so easy, so easy
    Launch your assault now, take it easy
    Raise your weapon, raise your weapon,
    One word and it’s over… (More …)

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