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  • Vanessa 17:33 on 05/04/2017 Permalink | Reply
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    Newton, Mr., TO: Reality, Loose, of Schedule, RE: 

    About this “Collaborative City” thing. It’s excellent. Let’s do it.

    Here’s the schedule I’d like to work around — Jane’s walk 2017 is 5-6-7 May:


    I’d really like to have something up to Walk/Talk for Jane’s Walk. So what if we kept the current Week of Welcome format for something like 3 weeks, then went for a clean slate, giving us 2 weeks of Collaborative City before Jane’s Walk. The “city” might or might not be finished, but at least there’d be 2 weeks of something to walk/talk. Maybe we could slice the 3 months up into 4 blocks of about 3 weeks. In the 2nd half we might have another open block and another special themed block… ?

    • 1-20 April – Weeks of Welcome
    • 21 April – 5 May – Collaborative City

    What do you think???

    And by you, I mean Newton, Mr., but also I mean anyone else who wants to chime in with ideas, thoughts, questions, etc!

    • rmarie 19:15 on 05/04/2017 Permalink | Reply

      Thanks V, Only concern is getting a jump on organizing the 2 week city project in terms of participants. Also Newton and Marie are limited by RL starting the week of April 10. I worked your comments into the Google Doc, and others can see it too if they want to.


      • Vanessa 05:55 on 06/04/2017 Permalink | Reply

        got it — would it be better to do the Pop-up City (or whatever it’ll be called) after Jane’s Walk then?

        • rmarie 20:17 on 06/04/2017 Permalink | Reply

          How much time and energy do you and Izzy have for the pop-up cities in April and May? As of now, Newton could kick it off the week of May 8 and run a workshop on May 13. But we will be away for 7-10 days between the 20th and the 30th.

          I enabled full edits in that google doc! What the hay!

          • rmarie 20:19 on 06/04/2017 Permalink | Reply

            In addition to my above reply, I think it’s a good idea to wait on the pop up cities until May and June, so that some community building can happen. I think people need to get a sense of how they can contribute to builds, even if they don’t build with prims and mesh (texturing, project managing, other types of collaborating).

            • Vanessa 05:45 on 07/04/2017 Permalink

              so keep the Weeks of Welcome through Jane’s Walk? And then maybe move on to Pop-up City on 8 May?

              That might be good. I do think we need “ramp up” time for CAA-VUP. I’m thrilled with what’s happened so far, but it isn’t the beehive that LEA23 was. Partly I think that ramped up slowly also. And partly I think we’d been doing more projects so the VBF group was more connected and engaged. Peeps like Newton, Mr., have been awesome at continuing the creativity, but at least on my end it’s been a pretty long radio silence. Still, it’s exciting to see both old friends turn up, and to meet new peeps. It’s interesting the number of CAA-VUP participants who are “new” to me, but have actually been on the grid for 8-9-10 years. I’m not sure how much being next to LEA5 helps, but for sure it at least helps a little. LEA2 on the other hand, can, of course, drown in their own damn curtain walls! 😛

    • rmarie 20:02 on 07/04/2017 Permalink | Reply

      Many people who are currently rezzing on LEA1 are very connected and engaged with each other. For the past 2 years, they have been producing together inworld steadily, and at least 6 of them have been working together very closely. The amp up will be good for cultivating awareness of these groups, for everyone’s sake. But this awareness thing goes both ways. People who are rezzing on LEA1, by virtue of doing that, are encouraged – dare one say obligated? – to reach out to others and make themselves and their interests known, and chime in.

      See you Saturday!

  • Izzy 17:00 on 18/03/2015 Permalink | Reply
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    Graphic Design 13 – Gimp 4 Dummies

    Photoshop is kind of the Graphic Design standard and many MU Learners use it every day.

    If you get paid to do RL design work, Photoshop isn’t expensive at all. But if you don’t, it’s a damn expensive piece of software!

    Gimp is the free & open alternative. We should have a Gimp class. IDK if anyone we know actually knows Gimp. If You do, we’d love to have you facilitate a Gimp Party!

    But if not, let’s just learn it together! We can start the class and fumble around and use MU/Talk or Slack to post screenshots and tips on what we figure out.

    Does anyone know Gimp?

    What Day / Time would anyone like the Gimp Party to be scheduled for?

    • Neeva 18:04 on 18/03/2015 Permalink | Reply

      I think you mean we should have a gimp “party.” Right? See post below.

      What would People love to learn about gimp? I used it some before I got my nifty student-priced version of Photoshop.

    • Myra 18:27 on 18/03/2015 Permalink | Reply

      I use Gimp a lot, but I certainly don’t know* it. The most common use of it in SL is texturing, so I’d like to learn how to use it better for UV mapping and AO mapping of textures.

      There’s a step-by-step tutorial on how to do this with PS, here:

      It would be nice to have a class on how to do the same thing in Gimp. There are some freebie full perm things on the market we could use for demo purposes.

    • Elle 17:37 on 21/03/2015 Permalink | Reply

      I have to second what Myra said, “I use GIMP a lot, but I certainly don’t know it” It’s a powerful program, but also complex with a non-intuitive user interface. I think the same could probably be said for Photoshop, which I have hardly ever used.

      • Izzy 22:00 on 21/03/2015 Permalink | Reply

        I don’t actually know how many people want to learn Gimp. I do know that for people without the resources to buy it, Photoshop can be very expensive. Gimp is free and open for everyone. So it’s really a desirable platform.

        I do know that Oona is someone who really wants to be doing graphics but can’t afford Photoshop and doesn’t know Gimp. She’s been hosting at KATYPERRYOPOLIS! and would love to make fliers for events there but doesn’t have Photoshop and is lost with Gimp.

        Part of the reason I expelled all the students, fired all the faculty, and then invited everyone back as learners is that if we are to make progress on our many journeys here at MU, then we must take charge. Nobody needs to be the or an expert to help someone else. So far I’ve done what I can to facilitate Kinesiology 88, Studio Art 1, Studio Art 12, and University 101, and believe me, I’m not even remotely an expert on any of those topics.

        If Myra knows a little, Elle knows a little, and Oona has some desire, that sounds like more than most of our classes start with! I’d encourage the 3 of you to pick a time, invite the campus, and see what can be collaboratively learned. If that causes an expert to crawl out of the woodwork, awesome! But if not, I bet Oona’s desire plus whatever Myra and Elle might know might be enough to let Oona make KATYPERRYOPOLIS! fliers. Since she’s wanted to do things like that for a long time, that’d be a great result for MU’s semester @LEA23!

        • Elle 06:28 on 22/03/2015 Permalink | Reply

          That sounds ok to me. If Oona wants to get us some specifics on what she’d like to be able to do/create before hand it would be helpful. I can role play a GIMP co-teacher. 😉

          • Izzy 07:03 on 22/03/2015 Permalink | Reply

            Awesomesauce!!! 😀

          • Oona 22:03 on 24/03/2015 Permalink | Reply

            How about how to make a flyer? Is that a thing you can do in Gimp? I have been trying to figure out how to put stuff on a tee-shirt without much success if that is something anyone has knowledge of.

    • Myra 00:01 on 25/03/2015 Permalink | Reply

      Gimp wouldn’t work well for flyers, because it’s not a publishing tool. It doesn’t do layouts and such. In fact, it’s horrible for handling text.

      T-shirts, yes, that it does.

      Oona. I mostly make furniture, but the principles of applying textures are mostly identical. Clothing requires a little more tweaking. I don’t think I want to teach a course, but I’m happy to explain it and load you up with links. : )

      It’s not too hard once you get the hang of it. Once you do, you’ll realize you could spend hours fussing with a texture to get it just the way you want it. Are you sure you really want that? Prepare yourself for the time sink known as SL building! j/k : )

    • Neeva 15:43 on 25/03/2015 Permalink | Reply

      How about a gimp learning party where we can ask questions of each other as we all try to make a poster or other work of art. I know people who use gimp for book covers. You can definitely make a flyer with it. Let’s pick a time and get Oona going and learn stuff.

    • Myra 18:05 on 25/03/2015 Permalink | Reply

      Here’s one on how to make a flyer in Gimp:

    • Myra 18:15 on 25/03/2015 Permalink | Reply

      Yes, I know that invalidates my comment about Gimp not doing flyers, but it further validates my first point – I don’t know Gimp.

    • Elle 00:14 on 26/03/2015 Permalink | Reply

      Well after many incantations, slacks(?), help from Izzy and rmarie (ty!). My GIMP 101 class is on the calendar.

      GIMP 101 – Learn basic skills in GIMP open-source software. This class will provide an overview, discussion, optional sharing and support. The course will have a strong guided self-study component. Guidance for further learning on your own and a simple weekly hands-on assignment will be provided at each class.

      Class will meet Saturdays 10 – 11 am SLT @ Tullia 14 for 4 weeks.
      Class starts Saturday March 28th @ 10 am SLT.

      Oona, Myra and Neeva are most welcome continue their discussion then. 🙂
      Good tutorial links are also welcome.

  • Izzy 16:54 on 18/03/2015 Permalink | Reply
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    Schedule of Parties

    Oona, Art, and MediciUniversity Resident were having a conversation today, and they came up with an interesting question, why are they called “Classes”?

    MU doesn’t have “Students” or “Faculty” anymore, but we still have “Classes”?

    Effective today, MU will no longer have any “Classes” or gawd forbid “Courses.” We will still have learning experiences, but they will be called “Parties”.

    TIRED: “Schedule of Classes”
    WIRED: “Schedule of Parties”

    • Oona 00:59 on 22/03/2015 Permalink | Reply

      But but but, i like classes!

      • Izzy 01:26 on 22/03/2015 Permalink | Reply

        it can be your secret Oona. Whenever anybody says “Party” you can just think “Class” in your mind.

        Somebody sez,

        Party @ KATYPERRYOPOLIS!

        Oona hears,

        Class @ KATYPERRYOPOLIS!

        • Oona 21:57 on 24/03/2015 Permalink | Reply

          haha i like this idea. 🙂 🙂

  • Vanessa 04:38 on 17/03/2015 Permalink | Reply
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    Certificate in Virtual Public Art 

    Medici University is now offering a Certificate Track in Virtual Public Art!


    • Newton 07:48 on 18/03/2015 Permalink | Reply

      What a wonderful opportunity for focus and accomplishment at MU! Thank you!

      • Vanessa 11:00 on 18/03/2015 Permalink | Reply

        Thanks Newton! When I realized that Dance Anywhere, Jane’s Walk, and Manifesto for Virtual Maintenance Art were all having a “planetary alignment” during the coming 3 months of MU, it was too irresistible an opportunity not to put together a programme.

        Needless to say, I was also significantly influenced by your own Cafe Sophistry project!

        • rmarie 16:10 on 18/03/2015 Permalink | Reply

          It was crossing my mind whilst reading your curriculum that doing a CS section could maybe qualify as one of your “tracks.”

          • rmarie 16:11 on 18/03/2015 Permalink | Reply

            (posted on behalf of my dear brother)

          • Vanessa 20:29 on 18/03/2015 Permalink | Reply

            Interesting… tell me more…

            • Newton 03:27 on 19/03/2015 Permalink

              Well, since the CVPA is all about working toward a compendium of virtual experiences created, perhaps outcomes of the work people do in a CS section could also be applied toward the certificate. So far I know two people will be sharing work at the final Gender and Virtuality gathering on March 29 so they will have “completed” that. It would be neat to give a sense that they are one step closer to a larger MU-related goal. See what you think, or if that even makes sense!

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