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  • Vanessa 15:04 on 12/02/2014 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: tech   

    ## New Web Hosting Hi guys Have you… 

    New Web Hosting!

    Hi guys! Have you noticed how slooooow .Re/act & .Re/search have been lately? It’s driven me crazy! Was it always this slow?

    The good news is that I’ve just moved our hosting from MDD to WiredTree and I’m hopeful that our sites will perform much better now.

    LMK how they’re running for you and if you have any questions or suggestions on how things work or the way they look! 😀

    • Ciara 02:54 on 13/02/2014 Permalink | Reply

      Hi Vanessa, thanks for this explanation and update! I had noticed that the site seemed to be getting progressively slower to load but figured it was something more to do with my internet connection than the site hosting. Re-act is definitely reacting much faster for me this morning!

  • Vanessa 09:39 on 19/11/2013 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: tech   

    ooh update of P2 theme fixes the break… 

    ooh, update of P2 theme fixes the break from the Chrome update! 😀

    • Vanessa 09:48 on 19/11/2013 Permalink | Reply

      6 days – pretty good. Still, it emphasizes the complexity & fragility of this ecosystem. And the idea that persistent development (& interoperability) are as important as Open Source for a truly useful software project.

  • Xue 19:16 on 13/11/2013 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: tech   

    Hello all There was an update to Google… 

    Hello all! There was an update to Google Chrome which is temporarily not letting you post here. If you use Firefox, Opera, or most other browsers you’ll be fine till the Chrome issue is resolved. Also, if instead of using the “Whatcha up to?” box, you use the +New>Post, then even Chrome will still post here. Sorry for the hassle! We’ll keep you updated.

  • Vanessa 08:31 on 05/11/2013 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: tech   

    What’s the difference between Re search & Re… 

    What’s the difference between .Re/search & .Re/act?

    You can really post whatever you like on either page. If you have multiple paragraphs, images, etc, something to document, it might go better on .Re/search. Here on .Re/act it’s ideal for short questions, ideas, thoughts, venting, etc. Here on .Re/act you don’t even have to go “New Post,” you just click “Hi [Vanessa]” and type stuff! 😀

    • Ciara 09:44 on 05/11/2013 Permalink | Reply

      Vanessa, thank you so much for creating this space and making it so accessible! It’s great to have somewhere that supports a more informal chat with our fellows than the “official” PBR forums. In the spirit of that informality, here’s a little something “8 bit style” I stumbled over yesterday – Is it a kind of Super Mari(na)o?? 😉

      • Vanessa 10:24 on 05/11/2013 Permalink | Reply

        Ha Ciara, very cute! Did you back that Kickstarter project?

        • Ciara 14:09 on 05/11/2013 Permalink | Reply

          Hi Vanessa, No I didn’t. In fact, I’ve got to confess that I just became aware of the whole Kickstarter movement. I’m a bit uncomfortable with the kind of work M.A. is doing these days – but I like the retro graphics of that site and the “old-fashioned” gaming environment.

          • Vanessa 15:40 on 05/11/2013 Permalink | Reply

            Ha! With an oeuvre as vast as hers who knows what part of “these days” makes you uncomfortable. (I do know which part of her oeuvre makes my students uncomfortable – definitely anything with a knife. — interesting side note — some students think she’s insane (I had a student raise a hand and literally ask “is she insane” once) but overall, while she makes them uncomfortable, they do have a real respect for her. Vs. Eva & Franco Mattes (who I think are brilliant) who really, really piss a lot of students off.

            Anyway, given her unparalleled stature in performance art, I think her late-life “pandering” for credibility is sort of unbecoming, and of course, unnecessary. For me MA & Allan Kaprow are these giants in the field. In many ways they ask similar things from us. Yet in many ways the’re so opposite. MA wants an institution, and AK ran as far from them as he could.

            • Ciara 18:43 on 05/11/2013 Permalink

              Funnily enough, I’ve no problem with the knife-wielding work. Au contraire 😉 However, I am uncomfortable with the rather prescriptive “performance-art method” approach that she’s been promoting in later years and the manner in which she’s been promoting it. I agree absolutely with your comment about the unattractive and unnecessary “pandering”… Her historic works are extremely interesting in and of themselves.

              Ak, on the other hand, was my girlhood hero and continues to inspire my “blurring” 🙂

  • Vanessa 15:56 on 03/11/2013 Permalink | Reply
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    Want a Cool Icon instead of a “Waveatar”? 

    The secret is easy, just go here:

    Signin with the same email you use here on PB.Re and paste any photo you like.

  • Vanessa 11:42 on 02/11/2013 Permalink | Reply
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    Re search for posts on any topic Re… 

    .Re/search – for posts on any topic
    .Re/cipes – creative recipes, public art actions, etc
    .Re/act – less formal, more interactive, like a personal twitter
    (More …)

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