I’m Isabella Medici and, along with Edie Sedgwick, I’m thrilled to be the co-editor of this new venture MOOC Magazine! I recently completed Cathy Davidson’s wonderful MOOC The History & Future of (mostly) Higher Education, and Edie’s just finished Glyn Davis’ equally wonderful Warhol MOOC. After her powerful experience in a Practice Based Research in the Arts MOOC last year, our friend Vanessa Blaylock launched the .Re/act website where artist-scholars can continue the dialog, collegiality, and collaboration they started in their MOOC. Edie and I envision MOOC Magazine as a sort of cousin to .Re/act. .Re/act keeps the dialog and collaboration going, and now MOOC Magazine is the place to publish the great work in many forms that peeps have created in the many Arts MOOCs.

MOOC Magazine
Thanks so much for visiting MOOC Magazine and by all means we welcome your contribution! If you’ve created work in any format in one of our featured MOOCs, consider submitting it. If you’ve taken a MOOC that we aren’t yet featuring, give us a shout and we might be able to include your MOOC as a future issue.
Education 21
In the RL classroom educators have been exploring Flipped Classrooms, Blended Learning and many other ways to help move education out of it’s 19th century model for preparing assembly line workers and into whatever the most compelling needs of tomorrow’s knowledge worker will be. In its short life the MOOC is quickly following a similar trajectory. It took the RL classroom a couple of centuries to move from The Sage on the Stage to active learning. MOOCs are making the progression from The Doc on a Laptop to more active formats in a couple of years. A “basic” MOOC with lectures that introduce new topics is great, but we’re expecially excited by MOOCs like Warhol MOOC or Practice Based Research that are conducted much less like “lecture courses” and more like “graduate seminars.”
It’s been so nice meeting you!
Thanks so much to all the amazing people we’ve met in our various MOOCs, to everyone who’s contributed to MOOC Magazine, and to all of you who are helping to explore, discover, and define our knowledge century. So far the 21st century is shaping up to be everything I always dreamt the 16th century should have been. What a time to be alive!
Warmest personal regards,
Isabella Medici, co-editor