Theres always something going on over at Oona Nostra’s studio at MU [Nostradamus 1]. I usually pass by to admire all her chairs (I’m not sure, but I think they’re breeding) or to jump off her roof (there’s an urban legend that if you do it right you’ll bounce right back up). I figured it was about time I kicked my shyness to the side and let my curiosity get the best of me, and Oona welcomed me with open arms, and armchairs, as she does for everyone else on campus.

Art: I dont actually know what you “do” at MU so lets start with that?
Oona: Well, I guess I’m the University Registrar officially. And I’m a member of the Creative Writing Team too, um, well, I guess its like… I’m here a lot. and when people come on the sim, I tend to say hi to them, and ask them kinda what brought them here, and if they are an artist (I kinda do that everywhere now). I’m like a stalker, lol. And if they have some kind of artsy vibe, I tell them how to sign up and all that. I also keep an eye on who is around and message them to say, hey did you forget about us? We want to see you! because as you know, this place is amazing when people are here and interacting.
Art: Ooh, it’s cool that you do that for people outside MU, bringing them in too.
Oona: It’s sad for me that some people rez and leave, they just don’t know what they’re missing. But I’m insanely passionate about this place.
Art: It’s obvious you have a passion for MU, and you have a good sense of who does what, and whats happening where!
Oona: I try to get around to everyone and say hi, it was a little project of mine at first, to try and meet everyone, and then I got busy with A-Z and slacked a bit but I love the meeting people part a lot. And Parties LOL. I’ve just always loved having people over wherever I’ve lived, my motto is the more the merrier, cause it’s just so fun to get a group of people, half who know each other and half who don’t, and hopefully they all mesh well. It’s really my most fav thing in SL, just to have people stop in, randomly and chat, and have very diverse discussions. and they aren’t all pg or politically correct either lol.

Art: Aww yea I was just thinking that about you after we were all hanging out here, that you have a real knack for drawing people together into a great social vibe! You’ve been writing too huh?
Oona: Well, I’m new to writing in a way. When I signed up for MU I had done two screenplays the previous summer. But really hadn’t done anything before that. I feel a little bad getting that title cause I wonder if you need to be doing it for longer. That being said, I do more photography now than writing by far.
Art: yea I got the sense from you that you don’t feel too sure about calling yourself a writer because you feel you don’t write as much as you’d like to, or “should.”
Oona: Yes, I feel like I’m stealing the title from people who actually put the work in..
Art: Hehe that’s how I felt unsure with a label too.. those labels make me nervous.
Oona: That’s the great thing I find that’s happened to me here, I didn’t really know what I was when I came here but now I realize I love taking pics, and trying out a bunch of other things too. I just like learning, period.
Art: I love that yea.. So would you say, maybe.. that at first you felt you had to grow into your label.. but that being here has motivated you to outgrow it and surpass it? because look at you now.. you’re not only writing but doing loads of other creative stuff too.
Oona: Yes, I felt for a long time I needed to grow into my label. But now I kinda just try as much as I can and its great. And screw labels 😉
Art: Hehe now youve inspired me to rez a huge screw through my studio plaque lol. What kind of photography do you do?
Oona: I like to tell stories with pictures, I also love to incorporate my love of music into the story as well, cause for me, lyrics are musical poetry. I get ideas when I’m listening to music, and hope I have a pose or a way to bring it out in a photo.
Art: Aww I love that, I’m a huge fan of art that merges different media inspirations. Tell me about this one:

Oona: When I heard the song, I guess I thought is there anyone who can make me feel unbroken again.. And then it kind of became therapy a bit, with some of the letters meaning stuff while others were just storytelling.

Art: Do you post your A-Z project on Flickr mainly or somewhere else too? Like Talk?
Oona: I post it in both, and Ryan and I have a blog where we are writing these letters back and forth to each other, as a collection.
Art: How do you see yourself as a creative person post-MU, how do you feel MU has influenced you most?
Oona: I hate the thought of that. I mean obviously it will happen eventually, but this place has made me realize SO much about myself. I didn’t consider myself in any way artsy or creative or anything before. The take away from here… I feel my heart tug hard on this one… The friendships I’ve made here are like no other I’ve ever had in SL. And the people who are here just inspire me to try new things like all the time. I really hope that somehow this can continue so we can all remain in each other’s presence, because the vibe is so great to do more and more different things here. I don’t think that just happens away from here, or at least it never did for me. In a nutshell, I don’t wanna think about that. lol.
Art: That’s so touching Oona!
Oona: I think this place, is how SL should be.. Community.. People coming together.. Creating. So this place for me is what I was looking for, for such a long time. That’s why I take so many pics. I never want to forget.

Art, thank you for featuring Oona and her lovely photography!!
It was a real treat as always, thank you Elle!
Thank you for your lovely comment Elle. 🙂
Awww Oona, do you think we can set my chaise up with your armchair and make some cute couch babies? hehe
Nice article Art! Oona is a lovely lady!
I need more couches Astrid that sounds like a great idea! hehe Thank you for your kind words. 🙂 🙂
I love these articles, and I love this one about Oona and I love Oona. She’s the heartbeat of MU. . She’s that warm spark in the cold uncaring universe that visits your Flickr page and leaves a kind comment or wanders over to see what you are doing at your studio. To be fair, she is also that disembodied voice of the universe shouting insults at you from across the sim. And then there is her murder for hire side business… Not to mention the way she kicks down people’s towers…but maybe that’s for another post. Today we celebrate Oona… before her parole is revoked and they take her back to prison for more “screenplay writing”.
Yay Oona!
Such lovely words! <3 <3 And thank you for the laugh this morning… hehe. <3 <3
One more great interview, interesting to read and a perfect walk on the tight rope between seriousness and humor.
Thanks Astrid Neeva and Fanny! Your comments put a huge smile on my face 😀
Thank you Art for the great interview that was so much fun to do, you really do have a great gift and we’re so lucky to have you here! <3
just now got to read this and i loved it . oona is a great girl and she dose such a good job braiding my tail. keep up the great work oona and art =)