Medici University


Life List

As a 1st activity for all of us, especially all our new arrivals, I’d like to suggest a *Life List* activity. Some people call *Life Lists* “Bucket Lists.” The idea is to take a bit of time and really think through what you’d like to accomplish. You can post yours online if you like. You can also come to a Life List discussion group on Saturday 14 Feb at 10am SLT.

Imagination: Glue for Facts

For a recent family reunion (250 Forsters in San Juan Capistrano, CA!), I adapted the research on Ysidora Pico de Forster (1808-1873), which I collected during the creation of my performance “What’s on [My] Mind?“ and presented it to my family members in a straight-up presentation, complete with a Keynote  slide show. In …

Artists Occupy Abandoned Building in the Centre of São Paulo

Traditionally, homeless have taken over abandoned buildings, however this time it’s different. A group of artists have taken over an abandoned building with a view to making it a centre for culture and arts. This photo is just one of the incentives – inviting local artists for a Life Drawing …