Studio Art 12: Life Drawing

Studio Art 12: Life Drawing

Photo of a life drawing class

We live in a century where so much art can be made without drawing at all. And where drawing can be about so many things other than the human figure. Even so, so many artists and so many arts patrons remain fascinated by the activity of rendering the human figure in two-dimensional line.

Medici University is pleased to offer an introductory course in the oldest of art activities, Life Drawing.

Studio Art 12: Life Drawing

Life Drawing meets 2 hours/week with drawing from live avatar models in the MU Drawing Studio at Tullia-9.

Thanks to the magic of the interwebs, students wanting additional practice can use the many wonderful Life Drawing videos available online.

Studio Art 12 is a semester-long course where MU Learners can develop their life drawing skills. This “course” is more of an “open lab” than formal instruction. Learners can attend every week, or occasionally, as suits their schedule.

Want to be a life model? MU needs your services for this course. We pay L$250/hour for life models. Modeling is in the nude. MU Learners will make, and possibly post online, drawings of you. No photography is allowed in the Life Drawing studio. If you’d like to model for MU Classes, please contact Isabella Medici and let her know of your availability.

Studio Art 12 is a Life Drawing course. Please no photography of any kind in the life drawing studio.

Students may optionally post their work to the MU-Life-Drawing group on Flickr. Unlike most MU Flickr groups, this group is not public and open only to Learners enrolled in Life Drawing and our life models. This group is intended as a course feedback and discussion space. Many learners may be at a beginning level and not eager to share their first attempts with the public web, yet wanting to interact with classmates. Students may also optionally post drawings to the main MU Flickr group, Medici University, where the work may be publicly viewed.

sample life drawing image

Studio Art 12

Facilitator: Jade Ravenheart (Cynn Blackrain)
Format: F2F Studio Course
Length: All Semester – attend once, or every week
Meeting Times: 10am – Noon SLT Sundays
Prerequisites:None. Don’t be shy or embarrassed! Come give it a try!
Location: MU:Tullia:9
Enrollment: to enroll, just add your name in the comments below

When you enroll, please add
• Your Studio#
• A URL to see your work (optional)

sample life drawing image

Studio Art 12: Life Drawing, Medici University, Spring Semester, 2015


  1. Pingback: Studio Art 12: Life Drawing, Class Notes | KATYPERRYOPOLIS!

  2. Pingback: Life Drawing Videos | KATYPERRYOPOLIS!

    1. Hi Astrid! It’s mostly an open drawing session with a life model (we try to alternate M & F on different weeks and have different models / body types)

      So it’s find to show up any day that works for you… and not show up other days.

      Jade Ravenheart is the facilitator. You can message her with any questions, or just show up when you have time. Peeps seem to like it! 😀

  3. Pingback: Writer’s Lounge at Tullia! | KATYPERRYOPOLIS!

  4. Pingback: Artist's Studios for Students - Medici University

  5. Pingback: Modeling (Poem) – sonomastatewrites

  6. Pingback: Artist's Studios for Students - Medici University

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