Planet 25
Wonderful machinima of serra’s Planet 25 collaborative build section by Veyot, with music by Alex:
Wonderful machinima of serra’s Planet 25 collaborative build section by Veyot, with music by Alex:
Today Fall Session 1 Ended. There was a party on Sunday 11/08. People had some ideas about Fall Session 2, which starts on 11/21. Notes are in the attached note card and on MU Talk at
Edie is cc’d on all of us in case she has a different plan! Please chime in with your thoughts, changes, volunteering, etc.
Notes on Ideas for Fall Session 2 Areas:
Art Farm Giant Studio – would replace the Youth Hostel. The purpose of the Giant Studio is for people who want community and spontaneous collaboration to work together in a sandbox atmosphere. Serra Qendra would set up an initial structure/schedule for this area pending feedback.
Art Farm Writes the Plank – For writers, on Trilby’s ship. Events to be announced.
Art Farm Film Studios – An area for photography and machinima, with sets created by Art Farm participants. This area would have a similar logistical setup as the old pop-up galleries: 10-12 “plots” for individual participants’ sets which can be used by anyone for photos or filming. Depending on interest, different people could host sets over the 6 weeks, and individual sets can change. This area needs a main administrator to kick things off!
***** A reminder regarding the All Inclusive and Creative Commons policies:
Everyone is encouraged to set out YOUR full perm kits and information about your work for learning purposes. Creative Commons work is highly encouraged. All participants should expect photos to be taken of your work and published on blogs and in Flickr Art Farm group. Photographers, please credit the artist. Selling work on LEA land is not permitted.
rmarie, thank you for putting this together!
The musical portrait of Barack Obama
Hi Alex, Nice work, very interesting!
Here are some photos of the Self Serve Pop Up Galleries along with other information in this blog post:
Nice post, Pearl! 🙂
Two of the most expensive paintings in Second Life.
The cost of each 10,000 Lindens
There are two things I’ve seen which were 10k lindens or above
Filthy Fluno’s paintings (he included a high quality RL print)
There is a dress shop – but my assistant would have to give you the name
Check out the great effects at Alex’s Pop Up Gallery!! Make sure you look carefully around the building (sky, ground, etc..)
We’ve been having fun and community with the Self Serve Gallery quadrant at Art Farm. Thanks Elle and everyone! I took photos and blogged the current galleries:
Wow! Finally I got a weblog from where I be capable oof genuinely take helpful information regarding my
study annd knowledge.
Lovely post, covers the community well! Thank you Pearl!
Kimika Ying has created this wonderful quick look video of the early days of Pop up Galleries at Art Farm:
Day 5 and Pop up Galleries are growing with lovely and interesting galleries, group and solo shows. Stop by for a visit!
Galleries still available, can be as involved or as minimal as you like. Add work to our Sculpture Gallery or to the Large Exhibit Area sandbox. Take Van Caerndow’s Drinking and Drawing class on Monday’s 8 pm SLT @ his gallery.
Have fun!
A wonderful overview of the Pop Up Galleries! The area is really looking interesting and has been a lot of fun so far. Thanks Kimika and Elle.
Thank you Pearl!
Kimika has set some free to copy scripting examples out at her gallery. Thank you, Kimika!
The Popup Galleries section at the Art Farm is open! Galleries can be any medium. Show your work, display with friends, or let anyone add to your gallery. Your choice. Two weeks and then we start with new galleries and works. Add sculpture to the Sculpture Gallery or installations or other builds to the Large Exhibit Area. Feel free to perform or present work using our center stage area. Teach a class, take a class. Boxed Tutorials and helpful resources can be added and shared at the Tutorial Library. Show up weekly and participate a bit.
We currently have 6 – 16×16 galleries available. I can tweak the size a bit for buildings.
A big thank you to Kimika for her great design & building work! Also to Pearl and rmarie for their valuable contributions! Look forward to seeing yours.
Contact me, Elle Thorkveld, for questions or help.
This is my last video about Ant Farm’s summer session. At the Low-Fi seminar given by Glori Maertens of Guerilla Burlesque, a box of info and tools were made available to us including MetaHarper Tools. Elle and Marie have been learning to use it and these clips are from performances they shared at Everything is Part of Everything Else.
Thanks for posting this Pearl – and great job Elle! Thanks to Newton for organizing the affair.
Many of us are looking forward to first fall session. Here’s a 3:12 video of just a few of the highlights for me when I was not only enjoying but had Fraps running.
A lovely look back, thank you!
oh giggle. I guessed that you made that collage. I searched for the image on Google Images and found the lady. And then you covered it with birds. I found the AI artworks in English, too, but that took a bit more hunting.
The paintings, which drew artificial intelligence
The movie location for Sunday’s upcoming movie filming is LEA 19, The Egg, by Livio Korobase. Four people have already made videos of it, and the films are all great. But, no one has featured the free egg avatar that Livio provides. We will need at least three eggs for a one-minute dance performance. Can you help? For those preferring to watch the eggs dance, Antsue suggests wearing blue clothing to match the blue in the mandalas which cover the ground.
I’ll be an egg.
I can be an egg.
On Sunday, August 23 at 11 AM, Edie’s Art farm will be producing an EGGCITING movie. This is the first call for performers and designers. You will be paid with friendship and laughter. Jobs available:
Actors, poses provided, non speaking roles
Costume designer, to design a jacket or tshirt for the cast
Choreographer, with Hud for a one minute dance segment
Music Director, to choose or write a peppy creative commons 3 minute song.
Gaffer, I cant remember what the gaffer does, but all good movies have one.
Veyot, Producer
This sounds fun. I think I can make it!
I guess we need a timekeeper too because I put the time wrong. It’s my 11 AM but SL 9 AM.
Aw I work, otherwise I’d be all over that. Good luck!
I want your help to make an abstract collage in the Babel sandbox. Please add a shape or two to the canvas. I will take a picture of it when it looks like a modern masterpiece. And then we can begin another one.
Fun project and a great idea!
Today begins Week 3 of Summer Session! Thanks to everyone who’s participated in the 1st 2 weeks, and to our awesome facilitators, Myra, Jade, Oona, Neeva & Newton!
Even though 67% of Summer Session is still to come, I’d like to invite you to think about Fall Session 1, which runs for 6 weeks from September 26 – November 8.
We’ll again have Four Lands where people can participate in various ways. You are invited to propose a land for Fall1! The only real requirement is that it be an inclusive idea where everyone is welcome to participate.
The best place to throw out your ideas is right here on MU/Talk. That way everyone can see what you’re thinking of, offer feedback, other idea inspirations, etc! You can also IM, Notecard, or email me if you prefer.
Sometime in September I’ll announce the 4 Lands for Fall1
I hope the residences can remain in the next quarter. I think ppl will be annoyed to have to start all that over again. 🙂
Unfortunately Oona, that’s not the vision at Art Farm at all. We run for 6 weeks and CLOSE. Everything goes. The next session after break is a completely new session with new lands, new activities, and new ideas.
I’m super grateful to you and everyone who’s participated in Summer Session so far, and with a month still to come I hope others will dive in, but to be clear, this is not an entitlement space. Six weeks and session over!
I have been pondering this. What if the “inclusive idea” is a phase 2 for an existing land. For example. the people participating have come up with a major project. I’m sure the environs could be changed though. There is a sense of “infrastructure creation” in this first phase.
I was pondering the very same question.
So for example, at Low-Fi, the infrastructure is up and we are now more deeply into our machinima track which will last two weeks. The forming of the performance track is in progress with the stages built and dates remaining to be committed-to. If we needed more time for the performance track to reach “fruition,” would that be something we’d “propose” and would you feel it should be considered something completely different than Low-Fi? I already suggested the performers approach you with a distinct idea for a session if that were to happen, so from my standpoint the idea of wiping things clean while “using” what has been done so far is not a problem.
On the other hand looking at Oona’s perspective, the “inclusive” aspect does warrant a lingering community within the “school” or on the farm and wiping that clean and regenerating it is more challenging. In fact, it’s more work.
Interesting projects reap interesting conundrums!
Okie, dokie smokey 🙂
Hi, Edie. Things are developing so well with what we have, now, I think you should just leave it as is. If you jumble stuff up, now, or scrap it entirely, you’re just likely to lose people.
Let the sim develop for the entire time. That’s my vote, too.
I share Myra’s & Oona’s concerns about losing people in a big change at 6 weeks. It takes a while to build things up and get them going, as we can see with the current lands.
I share Myra and Elle’s concerns. 😛
I would propose “new work land”. The participants agree to make something new every week and put it on display it in their display space. The one week cycle is to creat a balance between having stuff displayed long enough to be seen and appreciated, and short enough to encourage a constant flow of work from each artist. Once a week we could host a walk-through to talk about the work and admire it….then onto the next week’s work.
I imagine studio spaces, like at MU, but with an added emphasis on active producing and displaying work the whole session.
Depending on the number of people participating, maybe have a central area for collaborative work, discussion, and socializing.
new work land needs a better title, but I would love to participate in something like this.
I like this “new work land” idea. A current land could be adapted to incorporate this or something entirely new created. Is this one new work per week or an entire new display spaces work per week? I am thinking one new work, since some mediums and projects take much longer. I like the idea of both individual spaces and collaborative ones.
Babel sandbox could easily morph into “new work land”. I think each participant could define what new work is for them. But it would be nice to have something to display so there is a sense of collective activity and change from week to week. That would keep up interest and allow us to inspire each other to pursue and share our creative work. I don’t think participating would need to be a huge commitment. It is new work land, not new masterpiece land. Do a new doodle each week, take a picture, make a prim sculpture, or have a project that is ongoing and show the work in progress. Easy.
Sounds good!
I like this new work land idea. For me, and a few others I think, the sim is split up and not in a good way. We aren’t even connected it seems. 🙁 I know Edie doesn’t want to recreate Medici again, but borrowing what worked there and what didn’t isn’t a crime. You have the interested ppl all here and waiting to participate and actually participating now i think, it’d be a shame to lose those that just don’t want to jump through the hoops of change. I love the new work land idea. Something to unify all the sections would be nice, if i’m not misunderstanding.
A few scenes of some of the early happenings of Art Farm Co-op.
Great job Pearl! 🙂
Lovely video, Pearl!
What a beautiful look at the people and projects going on at Art Farm! Thank you Pearl!
BTW, if you just paste the video URL (Vimeo or YouTube) on a blank line, then it’ll embed right here on MU/Talk. (sometimes with Vimeo you have to take the “s” out of “https://”
I’m away from my computer, but really looking forward to seeing this!
Thank you all for your kind comments.
I’m here because of community and collaboration. Without that, I might as well just work on my projects elsewhere.
The Medici University Gallery of Art is pleased to announce its first exhibition at the Art Farm (LEA28).
“Touch Me – While I Hold My Breath” by Gwynie Beaumont, an installation of sculpture on the MUGA grounds and a retrospective of her photography in the gallery.
Opening show 1 PM SLT, August 15, 2015.
The show will run through August 22.
Due to real life, I won’t be able to attend, but the artist will be available to answer questions. I hope you all can attend.
The sculptures are really fun.
For the next show, I’d like to get everyone at the sim to contribute to an installation in the gallery. Make it a collaborative effort, the kind Edie envisioned. 😀
Gwynie’s been working really hard setting up and things are looking great. Please attend & make sure to touch the sculptures. 🙂
Congratulations Myra! Congratulations Gwynie!
So exciting!!
Show opening was great! I really enjoyed it. The display of the glyphs was very well done
nice review of us by Gemma Cleanslate:
Very nice! This is good PR for MUGA and the community. Thank you!
it’s true!
Bravo. This music explores the relationship between consumerism and vegetarian ethics.
With influences as diverse as Kafka and Joni Mitchell, new melodies are manufactured from both mundane and transcendent textures.
Ever since I was a child I have been fascinated by the traditional understanding of music What starts out as atonal conflict soon becomes chained into a dialectic dance style, leaving only a sense of what could have been and the chance of a new reality. Measures thirteen through twenty two pierce arrows into my heart.
As wavering low notes become reconfigured through diligent and diverse octaves, the listener is left with a tribute to the intelligence of all avatars.
yeah, well, I liked it. Actually it is the most advanced technology in art.
Looking forward to hearing this when I get home from work! Thanks for posting.
Alex and I have had many conversations about music. He is a writer of music, and I am a piano accompanist for a twelve member women’s chorus. His music speaks of the future, but my audience likes music that is familiar. I have learned a lot from Alex because of our friendship at Secondlife.
Hooo-mans are soo Noisy!!
No idea how you found it RM, but what an amazing video!
August 1 – September 13
For anyone interested in planning on summer session, I’ve been talking to peeps on Slack:
I think you’re probably all signed up there already, but if anyone needs access, just LMK and I’ll invite you.
I’ve mostly been answering questions in Slack Direct Message… but I’ll set up Channels for our 4 Art Farm Summer “Lands”: Low Fidelity, Babel infocalypse, MUGA & Ward 81.
What an amazing semester! Thank you all! Congratulations to everyone!!
Congratulations on one of the most unique LEAs to be funded. The execution was superb. By trusting your instincts, you allowed all of us to shine. What shone through was more than just an exhibit of virtual art but a 24/7 performance of how creation is done. Bravo! to you and everyone involved.
Thanks so much Izzy! What a great, fun experience it was. The Medici University Alumni Art & Party Association will be contacting everyone shortly. 🙂
Thank you Izzy! Congrats to all.
It was great to work with MU learners in this great environment, and to actualize an identity as a learner after all of these years wandering the grid just looking handsome. Thank you Izzy and gang.
Medici University: A fond farewell
Art and I wrote a little farewell piece for MU over at Creativity. Not quite a commencement speech, but a very hopeful sendoff. There are some very nice pictures of the campus, too.
Great post. I get very exasperated by WP requiring a different login for every blog I have to register in, so it’s nice to be able to comment here! I am so honored to be a small part of this incredible project and experience.
Thank you, Pay. It was such an amazing experience. I’m so happy to have been part of it.
http://www./ 05:31 on 19/02/2017 Permalink |
You’ve impressed us all with that posting!