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  • Myra 20:35 on 04/07/2015 Permalink | Reply
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    A graduation gift for everyone 


    Hi, everyone.

    Emma Maybe made a graduation gift for everyone. I sent it out to the group in-world. If you missed it, just im me and I’ll give you a copy.

    Everyone who had a studio at MU and many who didn’t, contributed to the success and wonder that was Medici University. In that spirit, this is a graduation gift for you all.

    It’s an awesome gift, Emma’s awesome for making it, and you’re all awesome for taking part in MU.

    Hope you enjoy it. Thanks for everything.


  • Myra 00:43 on 20/06/2015 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , MU, ,   

    Spreading the Love and my Art (If you want it.).

    I owe a lot to my MU experience. All the people I’ve met here and everything I’ve learned has made my time at MU personally transformational.

    Sooo… I’d like to give something back to everyone. If anyone wants a work of my art, please contact me in-world, let me know which one you’d like, and I’ll put it on one of Emma’s canvases for you.

    You can browse my work on my flickr feed. It’s all been done since I started at MU. I think some of it is nice. I’m clearly still learning, though.

    On the deck

    This has been a truly amazing experience for me.

    I love you all. Thank you.


    • Elle 04:05 on 20/06/2015 Permalink | Reply

      Myra, thank you for your most generous offer! I’m taking you up on that, your work is lovely. If we’d had more time I would have loved to see a photography exhibit will all the many talented photogs we have here.

      Like you, I feel I owe a lot to MU, I’ve grown in my skill & confidence, willingness to try new things and met so many wonderful people & gifted artists.

      Thank you for all you do, in your art, DJ’ing, curating and wonderful MU attitude.

      Love to you,

  • Myra 20:32 on 09/06/2015 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , MU, , , , ,   

    Generatives, glitch, and gifs MUGA opening 

    The Generatives, glitch, and gifs opening was held on Friday, June 5th. It was a nice event and there was a good turnout. The artists talked about their work and it was an opportunity for others on the campus and off to meet them.

    Thank you everyone who helped with this event, loaned their work to the aspiring gallery, and attended this event. A special thanks to the artists – Pearl Grey, FeelsEmpty, Elle Thorkveld, and Michael Green – and to Oona for building the gallery.

    The show will run through June 15. Please stop by if you haven’t had a chance to see the show. After that, I’ll try to do one last show, probably machinima.

    Here are some pics from the event:


    Artists and attendees at the opening.

    Artists and attendees at the opening.

    Stepping on Feels' art

    Stepping on Feels’ art. It glitches!

    Trilby at the opening

    Trilby at the opening


    FeelsEmpty at the opening

    • Oona 20:50 on 09/06/2015 Permalink | Reply

      Great article Myra 🙂 The show was a great success I think. I’ll be sad when June ends, I love MUGA a lot.

    • Elle 16:04 on 10/06/2015 Permalink | Reply

      Great write up & love the pics, Myra. It was a fun opening, thanks to my fellow artists and all who attended for making it that way! And thank you to Myra for curating & facilitating this exhibit and to Oona for all her gallery building. Excellent work.

    • Paypabak Writer 19:21 on 10/06/2015 Permalink | Reply

      I recall participating on one of Feels Empty’s Step Art creations. Fun! Great exhibit.

    • Myra 06:37 on 11/06/2015 Permalink | Reply

      thanks so much, everyone. It’s official, now. I want your movies. We’ll figure out how to upload and host them.

    • rmarie beedit 22:37 on 14/06/2015 Permalink | Reply

      Great work Myra – congratulations on a strong gallery show. And congrats to all participants! Making MU vibrant…

    • Myra 21:12 on 16/06/2015 Permalink | Reply

      Thank you so much, Marie. So many people made this happen – Elle, Feels, Oona, Michael, Pearl. I was thrilled it turned out as well as it did.

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