What is Medici University?

What is Medici University?

photo of bored students

Today’s bored student is tomorrow’s unfulfilled worker. 24/7 media has eliminated boredom from all aspects of life. Except the classroom. And the workplace. At Medici University we believe there’s another way.

Education for our time

We live in the 21st century. Yet most universities today live in the 19th century. Education as typically experienced by the future labor force was designed to meet the needs of the Industrial Revolution. Universities today may use Information Revolution tools, but the vast majority are not offering an Information Age educational experience.

Medici University is different.

At Medici University we don’t believe in requirements. We also don’t believe in fees. At Medici University real education begins where arbitrary requirements end.

dancers collaborating on new choreography

A True 21st Century University.

Medici University is a non-accredited Graduate University. If you are a soulless sleep-walker devoid of dreams, passion, or vision, who believes that USD 60,000 of debt and a piece of paper will bring you a better life at some future time, then Medici University is not for you.

If you have a passion for real learning and experience that’s applicable to your life, and if you believe that the absence of debt represents the presence of freedom and possibilities, then Medici University may be exactly the right school for you.

Your Alternative MFA

Medici University offers Alternative MFA programs in all arts disciplines. By alternative, we mean requirement free. We don’t have a catalog or requirements telling you what to study, instead we empower you to explore your passion, and from that create your own curriculum. You can take courses if you need to learn specific skills or techniques, but as much as possible, Medici University encourages students to actively practice their art.

Writers should write every day. And read everything. You don’t really need an advisor and USD 30,000 in tuition to be told that, do you?

Choreographers should dance and create every day. And see, F2F and on video, every choreographer and company they possibly can. Internet Hacktivists should be world travelers of cyberspace, taking everything apart and building something new every day.

author J. K. Rowling giving a talk to a group of learners

Your Goals

Although you may get a job and work for a company after completing your MU degree, this is not our goal. We do not believe that our graduates, nor most human beings, are best suited to work that is measured in hours. MU students work hard, but their work is not measured in hours, it is measured in results. MU encourages its graduates to leverage their laptop and The Internet to create a time-clock-free and cubicle-free career.

So long as you are clear on what Medici University is, and is not, we actually will give you a piece of paper when you complete your degree objectives. Well, not actual paper, of course, nothing at Medici University is on actual paper. But we’ll give you a lovely virtual diploma, suitable for posting on your website or LinkedIn page.

Your Application

Our inaugural year begins 1 August 2014. Exceptional students may begin work earlier. If you have the courage to spend your education, career, and life truly immersed in the 21st century and not the 19th, MU would love to read your application. Begin the process by leaving a comment below indicating your proposed area of study and a brief explanation about your passion for this work.

Success to all seekers!

Isabella Medici
Medici University

a performer acheiving audience acclaim at a concert


Bored Students: Renegade Chicks.com
Unfulfilled Workers: BDB.co.uk
Imagination You Can See: GroundWorks DanceTheater
J.K. Rowling: Today.com
Icona Pop: Freshnet.com

a dancer performing on state

How can MU help you?