Updates from January, 2014 Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Izzy 06:41 on 20/01/2014 Permalink | Reply

    Hi Everyone I’m so excited about Christa’s Tweetchat… 

    Hi Everyone! I’m so excited about Christa’s Tweetchat! And Oscar’s research is so interesting! I’ve started writing a few bits of information here:

    I’ve also discovered a thing called “Pinterest” — oh how many hours and days we would have spent on this back in my day! I think it is a wondrous tool for collecting bits of detritus and feelings. I must work further with it!

    • Christa Forster 08:47 on 20/01/2014 Permalink | Reply

      Wassup, Izzy? I’m trying to get Ysidora a Ghost account, but I can’t make the images work (even though I’ve tried resizing them, etc.)! I keep getting a message saying that I must upload a “valid image.”

      What would you in your royal, timeless wisdom suggest I do?

      • Isabella Medici 12:15 on 20/01/2014 Permalink | Reply

        What a wonderful idea Christa. My website is actually on a platform called “Ghost”

        (as opposed to WordPress or Tumblr, etc)
        You probably don’t mean that, do you?

        Do you mean to get Ysidora an account here on .Re/act? I’m certain Vanessa could set that up with great alacrity.

  • Vanessa 06:02 on 20/01/2014 Permalink | Reply
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    Hello World 2.0 We’ve reinstalled WP 3.8 @… 

    Hello World 2.0
    We’ve reinstalled WP 3.8 @ .Re/act
    hopefully the comments under wrong post biz is now behind us

    • Mike 22:22 on 20/01/2014 Permalink | Reply

      While I don’t know the cause of these problems, a lot of WP issues these days, especially regarding themes, are emanating from JavaScript.
      Automattic is developing a “next generation p2” theme which is actually going to be a plugin.

      • Vanessa 03:20 on 21/01/2014 Permalink | Reply

        Hey Mike, thanks for reaching out. The problem with our P2 Child install of WooThemes Houston seemed to be, well IDK exactly, but something corrupt in the install or database. I tracked it as far as not being about any specific theme or plugin. I read that changing permalinks helped so I messed with that for a while. Then I tried reinstalling 3.8 on top of itself with no results. In the end I deleted the site and did a fresh install which works fine for the time being. (3.8 actually did initially break P2 and all child themes, but Automattic put out an update within a couple weeks)

        Yes, the next gen P2, “O2″. At Beau’s talk at WCSF’13 in mid-July he said it’d be out in a month. That was over half a year ago. I guess they’ve been working on other things. He also sort of said .org first and .com later. A month or so ago they sent out a questionnaire asking who’d be interested in beta testing O2, but that it’d be on .com initially and .org down the road. I eagerly filled the questionnaire out, but it’s already been over a month since then.

        Meanwhile, I think most P2 themes are a little bit visually clunky. As in not-so-aesthetically pleasing, but also sort of as in visually chaotic and harder to visualize distinct posts. Woo has really done a nice job making Houston both more pleasing and correspondingly more, I believe, functional

  • Oscar 19:57 on 19/01/2014 Permalink | Reply  

    Oh silly me I just posted a comment… 

    Oh, silly me!! I just posted a comment in response to the wrong item! Was attempting to add a reply to the sequence on the ancestor project but, somehow ended up adding it to Vanessa’s post re. Art & Tech Lab. Now I can’t figure out how to edit it out of there and into the place intended…

    • Christa Forster 20:17 on 19/01/2014 Permalink | Reply

      Oscar, I went into the Dashboard and moved that comment to the trash, so please repost it under the correct discussion.

      FYI, I copied and pasted your original response in an email to you, although you could dig the one I removed out of the trash section of the Dashboard and repost it that wayy as well, if you were so inclined. xoxo

      • Oscar 20:59 on 19/01/2014 Permalink | Reply

        Aw, thanks, for your help Christa! Though, crikey, I’ve just tried to repost my comment in the “‘correct” place again and, to my surprise, it’s ended up in a new “wrong” place!!! I’ve been trying to add it to the dialogue that follows your call to participate – but, somehow, it refuses to post there and I’ve no idea why it’s failing…

        • Christa Forster 21:05 on 19/01/2014 Permalink | Reply

          It’s probably the ghost of Izzy d’medici messing it up! 🙂

          • Oscar 21:16 on 19/01/2014 Permalink | Reply

            Lord, Christa, perhaps not Izzy (she seems to be more tech-savvy than me) 😉 but maybe it’s the ghost of Mr Frederick Archer screwing things up?? He appears to have bones to pick over the way he met his death…
            One more try, eh?! xx

        • Christa Forster 21:10 on 19/01/2014 Permalink | Reply

          Dear Oscar, if you are logged in, you can go up to the top of the page where you’ll see a “+ New” option. If you click that “New”, you’ll be in the Dashboard, and you’ll be able to move the comment to the trash and try reposting again (?). I appreciate your efforts!

          • Oscar 21:21 on 19/01/2014 Permalink | Reply

            Woo Hoo, Christa! It worked!! Have successfully relocated troublesome comment. Guess Mr. Archer’s resting peacefully after all…

            • Vanessa 21:53 on 19/01/2014 Permalink

              Hey Oscar ‘n Christa. It’s not YOU… it’s… well… it’s not ME either… but something’s a tiny bit amiss here and unfortunately comments sometimes go on the wrong post… I moved a few but it does get tedious… I’m sort of working on a fix but IDK what the exact issue is and so I’m sort of stalling for an update or alt platform… I don’t actually have an easy answer unfortunately.

              Moving them sorta works but is a pain. Just letting them sometimes go to the wrong place seems wrong, but you pretty much know what’s going on anyway.

              It seems as if commenting on the newest post always works. But sometimes commenting on the 2nd or 1-down post goes instead to the top post. That’s all I’ve really figured out so far. Sorry about this!

              If you figure out when it does and doesn’t go wrong, I can more precisely ask the “Houston” designer Woo Themes about it. TY / Sorry!

    • Vanessa 23:19 on 19/01/2014 Permalink | Reply

      Yes Christa, I agree! At the risk of introducing yet another app, the platform Editorially, which Molly and I started using for our MOOC Writeup Article, might be nice as it can have multiple authors and you can edit, record changes, it has a comment panel that can link to doc text, etc

      I just threw the text up there and sent you an invitation to collaborate. We only have a week to submit it — but we do well with deadlines! — and I think that can help us focus on broad, dramatic strokes. I think you hilited most of the same areas that leapt out as exciting / motivating / relevant to me.

    • Vanessa 23:37 on 19/01/2014 Permalink | Reply

      Yes, Xta, I’ve seen this too. It’s weird. So many “tiny moving parts” in these contraptions! 😛

      It’s happened to me too, with Michael specifically, although it probably isn’t him.

      The only thing I can think of is that when someone who doesn’t have a “Gravatar” (the “Wavatar” is the randomly generated “cartoon” for peeps who didn’t sign up at Gravatar) for some strange reason our “Diablo” theme on .Re/search gets confused and makes it look like we talk to ourselves even more than we already do!


      So a comment bug in the .Re/act “Houston” theme
      and a different comment bug in the .Re/search “Diablo” theme

      I’m not certain that the “theme” is even the culprit, IDK. We could twist Michael’s arm to go paste a pix at Gravatar. That wouldn’t fix it for other unsignedup peeps, but he talks more than most of them so it’d be a clumsy but helpful partial fix.

      Diablo and Houston are pretty nice so I’m loathe to lose them, but perhaps I should at least try some other themes to try to track down these 2 bugs. To me, the .Re/search issue is a minor annoyance, but the .Re/act issue is a real mess.

      Also, separate (3rd!) thing, which you probably realize, is that you seem to have 2 accounts, the “Christa Forster” and the “Xtaforster”. This is basically fine, but could be confusing. I assume you have 2 different emails and login 2 different times / ways. For simplicity I like to have everything under one email and try to not have more multiple identities than necessary! 😛

      Unless, obviously, if I’m resurrecting Octavian or something, in which case I might use a separate Augustus.Caesar@gmail.com account…

      • Christa Forster 00:37 on 20/01/2014 Permalink | Reply

        I would be loathe to change to a new theme, too, because I’ve just gotten used to this one! Thanks for the reminder of why my two different photos are showing up. You’re right. I’ve got two different emails operating; I will try and streamline it asap.

    • Vanessa 13:42 on 20/01/2014 Permalink | Reply

      Crikey! I can actually comment on Oscar’s post now! Praise the Lord!

    • Oscar 11:22 on 20/01/2014 Permalink | Reply

      Thank you for all your hard work, Vanessa and for the helpful posting tips Christa! I’m having a rough day as my “blast from the past” – 19th Century Donnie – is proving to be quite a handful…

      • Isabella Medici 12:17 on 20/01/2014 Permalink | Reply

        You’re doing a great job Oscar. Try to be patient with with Donnie. Don’t let him wear you out!!

  • Vanessa 18:02 on 19/01/2014 Permalink | Reply
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    ART + TECHNOLOGY LAB Hey all I just… 

    Hey all! I just discovered an exciting new project, and request for artist proposals, at Michael’s neighbor LACMA!

    Click to access LACMALabRFP.pdf

    (More …)

    • Christa Forster 20:12 on 19/01/2014 Permalink | Reply

      Van, I’m interested. Here are the bullet points that I feel most resonate with “us”:

      Connection and explorations of portable identities and pseudo-identities
      • Distributed experience and storytelling through multi-dimensional user
      experience design
      • Crowd-sourced information production and human-based computation

      And here are the questions that I think “we” can best answer.

      Is the project artist-led and does it have artistic merit? YES
      • Does it produce an interactive experience that can be presented in the
      public space of the museum (which may include virtual/online space)? YES
      • Does the project suggest models, methods, and/or data that may be of
      interest to other artists and technologists? YES
      • Does the process proposed by the artist include opportunities to present
      demos, prototypes or collaborative opportunities for the public during the
      development period? YES

      The directions are pretty straight forward. With whoever is interested, we can split up the sections and answer them, or we — whoever is interested — could each write responses, and then we could massage the responses into a single app.

      Hello! LOIS WEAVER–> 🙂

  • Vanessa 16:34 on 19/01/2014 Permalink | Reply
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    OMG the lovely delightful and generous @xtaforster has… 

    OMG, the lovely, delightful, and generous @xtaforster has donated a dollar a mile to my virtual NHRebellion.org walk tomorrow!

    Thank you so much!

    BTW, we’ll be walking in SL from 9-2 EZT if you want to drop by and say hi. We’ll have extra treadmills out!

  • Vanessa 16:30 on 19/01/2014 Permalink | Reply
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    New EZT time zone Now that we… 

    New “EZT” time zone!
    Now that we aren’t enrolled in a course at Stanford anymore, we might as well stop calling “California Time” “Stanford Time.” But it’s still as good a time zone as any since a couple of us are there and the EZTV April 12 event is there. Also SL, based out of SF, runs on that time zone also, aka “SLT.” So I propose we use “EZTV Time” and to keep with the style of PST, EST, GMT, CET, etc, why don’t we just call it “EZT”

  • Christa Forster 13:58 on 19/01/2014 Permalink | Reply  

    So Many Xtas 

    Hi Vanessa, do you know why my Wavetar/Gravetar shows up when Michael makes a comment on one of my posts? It happens with a couple other folks, too. For example, http://practicebased.re/search/number-1-first-blueberry-hangout-2014/

    ¡Mille Grazie!

    • Oscar 09:29 on 20/01/2014 Permalink | Reply

      Crikey, Christa, Michael’s a ventriloquist?????!!! I’ve simply got to meet him (or maybe I already have, eh? 😉

  • Christa Forster 12:40 on 16/01/2014 Permalink | Reply
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    Ancestors from 1850 in Conversation! 

    Let’s put an ancestor of ours from the year 1850 in conversation with one another, in the present, on Twitter.


    To see what happens!
    (More …)

    • Isabella Medici 19:04 on 17/01/2014 Permalink | Reply

      What a fantastic project Christa! (anything that gets me out of the catacombs is a fantastic project! 🙂

      Could you give this letter to my great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-granddaughter Vanessa? TY!


    • Christa Forster 01:07 on 18/01/2014 Permalink | Reply

      Dear Isabella, so GREAT to hear from you. Thank you for reaching out to us from 450 years ago! I think our luck is good (rather than shitty) to hear from you, a PRINCESS no less. I am interested in what you say about how “false nostalgia and blind romanticism always make past lives more simplistic. Easier than they were. Harder than they were. Other.” I’m pretty sure I understand what you mean by “other.” But I’m wondering if you’d like to talk about this more, This “otherness” that you seem to propose is a product/consequence of nostalgia and romanticism.”

      If you have other things to deal with (like washing your hair, which I’d totes understand — it’s a DRAG) I get it. Still, since we have you on the line and all….

    • Oscar 16:38 on 18/01/2014 Permalink | Reply

      Hello Christa,

      Thank you for your invitation to participate in this project! I’m intrigued by the idea of engaging in conversation with an ancestor. While I have no recollection of my life before 2003 and, currently, no desire to probe my personal history beyond this, I am keen to trace the history of my craft – to tune my ear to the whispers of dolls and their partners long since decomposed…
      The 19th century was, by all accounts, a rather busy and exciting time for ventriloquist dolls and their human collaborators!

      • Isabella Medici 02:55 on 19/01/2014 Permalink | Reply

        Hello Oscar. Is it “the marionettes” of which you speak? I loved them so as a child! They were a rich and frequent part of the entertainments that my father arranged at Palazzo PItti.

        Dearest Christa, I am confused, “wash your hair”? Do not you simply braid it up and forget about it? As for your questions, I am not certain I have answered them, however I have written another letter that may be of some use:

      • xtaforster 03:06 on 19/01/2014 Permalink | Reply

        Welcome, Oscar!

        I love your name. How was this name chosen for you?

        I, too, am interested in the history of your race, the traces of races which have marked themselves in your lineage. I cannot wait to learn more about this! Thank you for joining us.

        • Oscar 21:18 on 19/01/2014 Permalink | Reply

          Thank you! This ancestor mining is so much fun, Christa! As to your question re. my name – well, the truth is, I kind of moved into it (it was waiting for me). I find it easy to say, easy to spell, so I consider it a good fit. I used to have a different surname but shed it because it felt uncomfortable and contrived. I’m happier with “Devent” which we created in order to facilitate my online communication (all those demanding forms!). I’ve had a similar conversation on this subject with Ellie here: http://megoryan.me/post/69899480046/oscar-autonomy#disqus_thread

  • Christa Forster 12:35 on 16/01/2014 Permalink | Reply
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    1850 Twitter Chat Invitation to Participate Call for… 

    1850 Twitter Chat — Invitation to Participate

    Call for participants up now at .Re/cipes:

    • Vanessa 20:07 on 17/01/2014 Permalink | Reply

      Hi Christa! This is so wonderful! I hope it’s not too confusing, but over on .Re/cipes (The Open Art Cookbook) instead of “Blog Posts” we make “Products”! 🙂

      On the “+NEW” menu, instead of
      +NEW >> POST

      just do
      +NEW >> PRODUCT

      I can help with any of the details. I’ve put your Tweetchat up in the form of a “Product” and updated your link above. (and now it also appears on the home page of .Re/cipes

  • Vanessa 15:58 on 15/01/2014 Permalink | Reply

    OPEN ART COOKBOOK Why are so many artists… 

    Why are so many artists complicit in the capitalist model of scarcity as the driving factor in cultural production? Culture should flow like water. At the Open Art Cookbook you can find free & open recipes for art & culture. You are also encouraged to contribute recipes. Please give a shout if you’ve got a .Re/cipe!

  • Vanessa 03:54 on 15/01/2014 Permalink | Reply
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    On Monday 20 Jan Merriam Galaxy and I… 

    On Monday 20 Jan, Merriam Galaxy and I will be virtually joining the New Hampshire Rebellion walk from Canterbury, NH to Concord NH. Further details to come. You can visit our pages (and even donate to our walks!) here:
    NHRebellion.org / Merriam Galaxy
    NHRebellion.org / Vanessa Blaylock

  • Christa Forster 17:04 on 14/01/2014 Permalink | Reply  

    Teju Coles Story in Retweets 

    Yesterday in our hangout, I mentioned Teju Coles’ story in retweets as inspiration for the Twitter Chat performance I’m developing. Here is a link to a story about this performance of Coles’.

  • Vanessa 02:16 on 14/01/2014 Permalink | Reply
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    Portraits of Avatar Dancers http irez me… 

    Portraits of Avatar Dancers!

  • Vanessa 02:13 on 14/01/2014 Permalink | Reply
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    Interviews with Avatars on iRez http irez… 

    Interviews with Avatars on iRez!

  • Vanessa 18:10 on 13/01/2014 Permalink | Reply
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    Vanessa’s side of 13 Jan Hangout 

    Christa asked me to post my side of todays’ Google Hangout as a sort of rough notes on the conversation.

    Here it is!

    (More …)

    • xtaforster 18:34 on 13/01/2014 Permalink | Reply

      Thank you for posting this, Vanessa. Interesting idea: the virtual world as an “identity factory.”

      Stay tuned, everyone, for the 1850 Twitter Chat Invitation.

  • Vanessa 15:51 on 11/01/2014 Permalink | Reply  

    Wouldn’t it be great if there were 1… 

    Wouldn’t it be great if there were 1 place to go to see 83 selfies all of Vanessa? Now there is!

  • Vanessa 06:56 on 01/01/2014 Permalink | Reply
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    Mars ScreenDance 

    ScreenCap of Christa Forster dancing at the planet Mars at Kimika Ying's Oceania Planetary Park

    Shooting Mars with Christa!

    • xtaforster 00:29 on 02/01/2014 Permalink | Reply

      That was so much fun, Vanessa! It’s been great working with you and learning something totally new at the same time. As I mentioned during our chat, I’ve gotten a lot of inspiration for the monologues that I’m creating from working on this project with you. Thank you, thank you.

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